Living with my awful mother-in-law is making me consider divorce | The Sun

DEAR DEIDRE: LIVING with my mother-in-law has ground me down so much that I fantasise about leaving my husband for another man.

We had to move in with her for financial reasons, but she’s so unpleasant that it’s destroying our marriage.

I am 37 and my husband is 39. We have been married for five years and have a three-year-old daughter. His mother is 59.

Even though my husband knows I don’t get on with his mum, he’s happy living there and says he doesn’t want to leave.

Even worse, he doesn’t stand up for me when she’s mean, which causes rows.

When I look at him now I see a pathetic mummy’s boy.

Lately, I’ve been having sexual fantasises about a man I see on the train.

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Sometimes, I imagine having a torrid affair with him and running away together to a new life.

I feel trapped and unhappy.

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DEIDRE SAYS: Your fantasies are your brain’s way of dealing with your misery.

But rather than escaping into your imagination, you need to take practical steps to change things, not just for your sake, but for your daughter’s.

Make it clear you can’t carry on like this and are at the point of wanting to leave.

Tell him how miserable you are and ask him to support you.


Tanya’s not keen on her daughter Gemma’s new boyfriend

My wife is convinced her mother will die if we don’t visit her every day

My support pack, Standing Up For Yourself, should help you.

Start to work out how you could move out – you’ll feel better if you have a plan you are both working towards.

    Source: Read Full Article

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