Looking for work? Five free initiatives making a difference to jobseekers

SINCE Covid hit, almost a million workers have lost their jobs, while a million more have switched roles.

Sarah Coles, personal finance analyst at Hargreaves Lansdown, says: “We’re seeing record numbers leave their jobs because of long-term ill health. And while we’re also seeing a fall in unemployment generally, the number who have been out of work for a year or longer is on the rise.”

If you are searching for work, need to improve your skillset or are at a career crossroads, help is at hand. Today, Sunemployment focuses on five free initiatives making a difference to jobseekers.

CONNECTR.COM: Online mentoring platform connectr.com is working with the Department for Work and Pensions to help unemployed 18 to 24-year-olds find work through Jobcentre Plus. The project offers young people access to mentors from top local and national employers. MP and Minister for Employment Mims Davies said: “Mentoring has such a valuable role in supporting young people with their job search.”

KEY4LIFE: The ex-offenders’ charity is unlocking jobs for some of the most vulnerable people in society. Its Younited Flag campaign awards companies that have employed a former offender for more than six months. Find out more about it at key4life.org.uk.

UK.GENERATION.ORG: This not-for-profit organisation trains and places unemployed young people into work by building sustainable careers in the technology sector. Apply at uk.generation.org.

STRIVE UK: The pandemic saw the fastest-ever creation rate for small businesses. Get support for your start-up or SME with the Mastercard-backed Strive Learning Network. It provides digital skills to help small businesses build their financial resilience and improve their growth prospects. See bit.ly/3EwJiQV for more info.

SPIELA: Careers platform Spiela has launched a “partner portal” to connect people from minority-background businesses that are passionate about diversity and inclusion. CEO Ivan Kayima said: “We’re all about helping everyone realise their true potential, regardless of their background and upbringing.” Find out more at spiela.co.uk/community/view.

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KINAXIA Logistics is recruiting to fill more than 100 vacancies for HGV drivers by offering a fully funded driver training scheme, worth up to £3,500.

The firm wants Service leavers and ex-offenders as well as movers from other industries.

Boss Simon Hobbs said: “When they’re ready to start their training and development with us, we’ll slot them into our family of businesses around the UK.”


VIRGIN MEDIA and 20/20 CHANGE have 50 places on their I Am Change employment readiness programme.

  • Get details and apply by January 3 at tinyurl.com/2p82zfbc.


AFTER rent and wages, staff turnover is the highest cost businesses face. Adam Witty, author of Looking Forward To Monday, explains how to create a culture where staff stay put.

  1. Accept that a great company starts with you. If the company’s top leader isn’t excited about going to work each day, don’t expect anyone else to be enthusiastic.
  2. Establish a firm foundation. Strong companies have a core purpose and core values, along with a Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG). This is an aspiration everyone can work towards that is meaningful, ambitious and excites people. You will not get people excited if the firm’s goal is simply to make the boss rich.
  3. Have a plan – and make sure everyone knows it. Lay out how your company will achieve its BHAG and communicate this to your entire team. When everyone on your team knows what the plan is, they will work harder to help you achieve it.
  4. Recruit and retain the best people. The biggest mistake most business owners make is to hire quickly and fire slowly. It should be the other way round.


VETERANS’ charity Walking With The Wounded helps struggl­ing former Services men and women find training and jobs.

To expand the programme and help more ex-Forces staff, the charity has launched a Walking Home For Christmas campaign.

It says every £1 spent on the employment programme achieves £3 in social benefits, helping hundreds of former military personnel back into civilian work.

  • Get involved at walkinghomeforchristmas.com now.


THE British Heart Foundation is looking for 2,500 volunteers to staff its shops, after losing many regulars during the pandemic.

  • Sign up at bhf.org.uk/elf.

    Source: Read Full Article

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