‘Loyalty tester’ catches out boyfriend the day before his baby’s gender reveal

A ‘boyfriend tester’ caused controversy after she messaged a woman’s partner the day before their baby's gender reveal.

Georgia Rose has taken it upon herself to catch out lads to test their loyalty to their partners.

On request of the woman, the 20-year-old slides into unsuspecting boyfriends' DMs to see if they take her bait and flirt their life away.

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The vigilante boyfriend tester recently received a message by a woman who wanted to see if her partner who she is expecting a baby with is 100% faithful.

After finding out a little background information, Georgia agreed to do what she knows best.

Along with screenshots of the conversation, the tester shared how the situation played out to her TikTok – and it has now racked up thousands of views.

“So this girl messages me, my heart for this girl…uh she was so lovely as well”, Georgia said.

“She sent me his [Instagram handle] and said he was a security guard at Lidl, so I just went from there.”

In the first message to the lad, Georgia wrote: “Really random question but by any chance do you work at Lidl?x”

The lad confirmed he worked at the supermarket. Georgia then pretended to have actually seen the guy to gain his trust to continue with the ‘testing’.

After commenting about how good her ‘detective skills’ were, Georgia then asked if the photo of the woman on his page is his girlfriend.

She then upped the ante and asked: “By any chance can I be cheeky and maybe see if you’re open to getting to know each other?”

To which the lad replied: “First I wanna know what made you think to find my Instagram after seeing me in Lidl. But I don’t see the harm in getting to know each other.”

Speaking in the video, Georgia savaged: “Stop fishing for compliments mate, f*** off. I didn’t even see you in Lidl, I don’t know what you look like properly.

“I do [see harm in getting to know each other], you’ve got a baby on the way. Your gender reveal is tomorrow mate. That’s the harm in it.”

Despite this, Georgia continued to poke and prod the lad.

“Well I clearly liked the look of you…and that’s good. Will your girlfriend mind or will it be our little secret?” she wrote.

“I’ll tell her haha but she won’t mind cause she’s a good one like that, she’s not one of those psycho girls that will go through my phone and check everything x”, the lad replied with a laughing emoji.

Georgia continued to push and said: “What if I wanted to get to know [you] more than a friend way? Like maybe go for a few drinks and see where it leads?”

After this, the lad questioned why the boyfriend tester would do this if she saw him in his Lidl uniform and quipped that he would not have “bit” her.

She then asked again if they could get to know each other a little more.

The boyfriend wrote: “Yeah then you can actually get to know me from the start haha and I don’t see any harm in it but just know I do have a Mrs and I wouldn’t do anything to ruin it just making it clear haha x.”

Although the clip ended there, Georgia posted several follow up videos and shared more of the conversation.

And, it appeared to not have gone very well for the lad.

Georgia asked several times whether the pair could go for a drink – and even book a hotel room.

“My car is in the garage at the moment, we go have a few drinks somewhere, maybe get a hotel?”, she explained.

The boyfriend questioned: “And that’s where I don’t know if that’s a good idea, something about a hotel is screaming that you want to have sex haha x.”

Georgia then asked whether he would “be down” for a bonking session if it lead to that.

“If I wasn’t in a relationship I would be down, don’t get me wrong 100%”, he confessed.

Things only went from bad to worse as the lad admitted that he was only with his girlfriend because she is pregnant as they were on a “break” before they found out.

Georgia then shared the evidence with the woman – who decided she wanted to call it quits with the lad.

But many people felt as if the lad did not fail the ‘test’.


One person commented: "I don’t think he’s a bad guy, I think he’s with her for the wrong reasons and maybe having second thoughts about everything.”

Another user added: “This is a tricky one! He’s happy to discuss some stuff over message but I don’t think he would ever follow it up, enjoying the attention but that’s it.”

While a third voiced: “Tricky one! He needs to sit down with her and work out whether they are staying together for the right or wrong reasons.”

However, others just feel sorry for the mum-to-be.

One person wrote: "Bless her heart I feel so so sorry for her."

A second claimed: "Any loyal boy wouldn’t even reply ."

And, this user shared: "Feel so sorry for her my heart broken for her. I really hope she doesn’t feel the need to stay cos she has a baby on the way with him. LEAVE!!!!"

“I don’t know how anyone thinks he passed! He’s just good with his words so he doesn’t look bad”, Georgia wrote.

Although many people had strong opinions on whether the lad was in the wrong or not, some have questioned the idea of 'boyfriend testing'.

One person declared: "For anyone testing their other half’s the relationship is already over once the trust is questioned it’s gone a relationship can’t last without it."


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