Man offended as he discovers girlfriend seasons baked beans with salt & pepper

When it comes to cooking, there are a lot of rules that come into play.

Some traditional foods don't always need playing with as they're tasty how they come.

One woman has confessed to something she does in the kitchen – and Reddit users are outraged by her partner's reaction.

You know baked beans, they usually crop up on an English Breakfast or even on toast occasionally.

So the female revealed that she often seasons the staple and her boyfriend seems to be quite offended by it.

Posting on the online forum, she revealed: "According to my boyfriend, you're only supposed to take them out and microwave them.

"Or you can put them on the stove for like 3 minutes."

She added: "The only allowed flavour is the tomato sauce they come with.

"He got almost offended this morning when he saw me daring adding salt and pepper.

"I have in the past also added a spoonful of stock or whatever I had in the fridge and he never complained before.

"I've only been in this country for a few years so my dataset really consists of this one point. What do other people do?"

Her post gained a lot of attention as it racked up over 1,800 upvotes and 1,900 comments.

The majority of users said it's best to not play with the baked beans, while others claim they do season them.

One said: "Nah, boil them down to school dinner beans and you're good to go."

Another added: "Never heard of that – beans are beans. We eat them as they come."

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However, other Reddit users usually jazz up their baked beans as one joked: "You should tell him missionary is not the only position!"

Another person suggested: "I season them with cheese," as a third wrote: "Cook on a low heat for like an hour. Delightful."

A fourth fan posted: "I often add a bit of vinegar, occasionally some curry powder."

Other suggestions include adding Tabasco and even paprika. So what do you do with your baked beans?

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