Massive baby who was too big for newborn clothes love to eat porridge

Britain’s third largest newborn was 14lbs 15oz when he was born – and he’s growing fast.

Alpha Stone Mitchell, now five months old, didn’t fit into newborn clothes or baby grows when he was born via c-section last October.

His mum, Cherral Mitchell, 31, says it was as if they’d skipped the newborn stage all together.

‘He didn’t fit into any newborn or 0-3 month baby grows – he went straight to 3-6 month and quickly grew out of them,’ the mum-of-four, from Oxfordshire, said.

‘Even now he’s in 9-12 month clothing, it’s a little tight – it won’t be long before he’s in the next size.’

Now, despite most babies not being ready to eat solid foods until around six months old, baby Alpha is already munching down baby porridge for breakfast and whole baby rusk biscuits in the evening.

‘We just started introducing baby porridge because he still seemed hungry in the morning,’ said Cherral, who also has Rouge-Angel, five, Lyon, three, and Twyla-Bay, one, with husband Tyson, 36, an electrical engineer.

‘He’s not quite six months yet, but it’s not affecting his digestive system so it’s fine.

‘He also sleeps all night from his last bottle at 9 or 10 o’clock until he wakes at five or six, ready for his next one. He’s a good baby.’

She added ‘He’s a growing boy.’

During her 30-week scan, it became clear that Cherral was expecting a larger-than-usual baby, and at 36 weeks, her baby bump ballooned.

Doctors believed this was due to Cherral’s gestational diabetes diagnosis – a condition which caused Alpha to consume sugary amniotic fluids in the womb.

But despite doctors’ predictions, Cherral and husband Tyson could never have imagined their son would be born weighing over a stone.

And, as it turns out, Alpha is the anomaly: ‘None of my children weighed anywhere near 1.5st at Alpha’s age,’ Cherral said.

‘And they only needed to be fed every four hours – he’s definitely the greediest.’

Due to Alpha’s height, he needs to sit in a car seat on his buggy since he grew out of his carry cot, and people mistake him as his one-year-old sister’s twin.

Twyla-Bay is 10 months older than her younger brother, but Alpha already weighs just under 11lbs less than her.

Twyla-Bay and her two older siblings were delighted to welcome their baby brother when he returned from the hospital at the end of last year.

Cherral said: ‘His siblings absolutely love Alpha.

‘They always want to hold and feed him and even put his dummy in before I even get a chance to, so they’re helping out a lot.’

After delivery, midwives started excitedly Googling the measurements of the UK’s heaviest new born.

‘One of the anaesthetists admitted to me that Alpha’s birth was the first one she hadn’t cried at because she was just so shocked by his size,’ Cherral recalls.

‘Everyone kept laughing when his head came out. 

‘My husband Tyson was like: “He’s a chunky boy”.

‘Tyson still calls Alpha his future Strongman, and already says he’ll need to do some more weightlifting training to keep up with his son one day.’

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