Meghan and Harry wont be closing the floodgates in 2023

Meghan and Harry 'had series in mind already' says former aide

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Charly King is a UK-based astrologer who studies the alignment of stars and planets to predict the future. Looking at Meghan and Harry’s birth charts, Charly revealed what she can see in store for the couple in 2023.

Charly told “The obvious sensitivity that wowed the world as Prince Harry matured through life is still present, his uncertain feelings about the nature of the media come from the deep wounds of losing his mother, Princess Diana, in his childhood.

“But with the current transit of the hazy, uncertain planet Neptune opposite his Sun, he is being urged by someone else to lift the veil and speak up for himself.

“No question as to who that someone else is. The very woman who fell in love with his intuitive, caring, charitable mannerisms that are genuine within his nature and are now finding their platform.

“Broadcasting to the world, this couple’s tell-all is only just beginning.”

Looking at specific months during 2023, Charly continued: “February, post-Valentine’s day, keep your ears and eyes peeled for some news involving the couple.

“As for broken relationships in the family getting fixed, this date onwards suggests otherwise. In an almost rebellious speaking out of his feelings, Prince Harry supported by his lioness Leo wife is opening the floodgates – don’t expect them to close any time soon.”

Following the documentary’s success, Charly claimed that the Sussexes will make the most of opportunities for revenue. She said: “Meghan’s natal chart suggests a book announcement around March 2023, with a proposed release date in 2024 – a tell-all memoir.

“Once published, the book is set to change years of history.”

Charly continued: “A surprising house move or visit home to the UK may coincide with a legal requirement for Harry.

“Happening around June 2023, we may even see the Prince return home alone due to limitations and restrictions with Meghan’s work commitments, or maybe even a pregnancy that’s being kept quiet.

“At the beginning of July, after the new moon on his Capricorn ascendent, he may be perceived as more mature, or at the very least, listened to by those who flippantly judged him before.”

The astrologer claimed that 2023 will be the year of “general, individual regeneration”.

She claimed: “Power struggles with other members of the Royal Family will continue through the year’s end, and the Prince’s chart even shows on the physical level, a moment of gaining weight – could this be the new comfort of being himself that he is settling into?

“Coming out from underneath the umbrella of misjudgment, every decision this couple makes will be visible again after their reclusive exile a few years ago. Hypocritical? Perhaps.

“But there is a time and space for individual revolution and amid a global pandemic was not it.

“Their maturity as a couple is going to be blindingly obvious as 2023 comes to a close.

“Suggesting a pretty strong transformation in their assets, it seems possible that the couple are building an empire of their own for 2023 and beyond.”

Charly concluded that, in brief, she predicts “ongoing public speaking appearances, a newly signed deal or legal dispute, a solo trip for Harry to the UK, and revelations in the form of a book that changes the perception of not just a nation, but maybe even the world”, for the couple next year.

“An unexpected pregnancy or house move, or both too,” she added.

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