Midwife lists foods to avoid at Christmas including certain cheeses

Christmas Day is all about the food but if you are pregnant, you could be feeling more cautious about what you are tucking into.

Luckily, an expert midwife is on hand to provide anyone expecting with careful nutritional advice ahead of the big day.

Odette Abououf has all your questions answered, making sure you are armed with everything you need to know before you begin preparations.

The founder of Mummy's Organics pregnancy product range says that while some festive favourites are fine to be enjoyed while pregnant, others are best avoided.

To be on the safe side, all vegetables should be peeled to avoid any chance of toxoplasmosis, which can be found on the unpeeled skin.

Load up on the Brussel sprouts as they are a great source of iron, vitamin C, folic acid and high in fibre and so especially good for pregnant women.

Meanwhile, Odette suggests to go easy on the roasties as they can spike blood sugar which can encourage the chance of gestational diabetes.

She says: "Roast white potatoes are a high source of carbohydrates which can increase the risks of gestational diabetes if not eaten in moderation.

“Two tsp of oil should be your limit during pregnancy and so roast potatoes are not the ideal choice. Ideally go for butternut squash or jacket sweet potatoes, which will be higher in fibre and complex carbohydrates."

The advice is also to avoid any pate starters, just to be on the safe side.

"Pate (all types including vegetarian) to be avoided due to the risk of listeria. Liver and liver products should additionally be avoided due to the high vitamin A content which can be toxic to your unborn baby,” Odette suggests.

And the maternity expert suggests avoiding the cheeseboard entirely and opting for pasteurized soft cheeses instead.

"Some cheeses can contain bacteria called listeria, which can be harmful during pregnancy. Avoid unpasteurised cheeses and soft mould-ripened cheeses such as Camembert, Brie and goats cheese.

“Other blue mould cheeses such as Danish blue, Gorgonzola and Roquefort should also be avoided.

“Non-mould soft cream cheeses, feta, ricotta, mozzarella and cottage cheese and hard pasteurised cheeses are all fine to eat."

Odette finished by reminding anyone who is pregnant to be mindful about their diets this Christmas.

She says: "Not only should those pregnant be keeping an eye on nutritional value of food, but pregnancy hormones slow down the rate at which our bodies process food so ensuring we are drinking plenty of water and have plenty of fibre in our diet will help prevent constipation and haemorrhoids."

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