Mom-of-three figures out how to get kids to eat foods they don't like

Mother-of-three reveals GENIUS hack for getting fussy kids to eat foods they don’t like – by encouraging them to PLAY with their meals

  • Myriam Sandler has revealed how you can get kids to eat food they don’t like 
  • The Florida-based mom said you should add food coloring to their meals
  • She also noted that by allowing them to play with their food will help them 

A mom-of-three has revealed how you can teach the picky eaters in your household to munch on the foods they don’t like. 

Myriam Sandler, from Miami, Florida, first took to social media to help empower others and to share advice for kids to develop skills through connection and play.

Through her own experiences of parenting, the 31-year-old discovered how to get children to clear their plate at the dinner table. 

Myriam – who has amassed over two million followers across social media – frequently shares her hacks for persuading children to eat more and has revealed that allowing your children to play with the food before dinner time will make them more likely to indulge. 

Myriam Sandler, from Miami, Florida, has revealed how you can teach the picky eaters in your household to munch on the foods they don’t like

She first took to social media to help empower others and to share advice for kids to develop skills through connection and play

Through her own experiences of parenting, the 31-year-old discovered how to get children to clear their plate at the dinner table

Myriam has revealed that allowing your children to play with the food before dinner time will make them more likely to indulge

The parenting hacks of the century! How one mom can teach you how to get your children to eat food they don’t like AND remove stains 

How to get your children to eat foods they don’t like 

 Use food coloring to die the food fun colors

Let them play with it before dinner time until they get used to seeing the food on their plate 

How to get permanent marker drawings off walls & furniture 

Spray the wall with factor 100 SPF sunblock and use a cloth to wipe the stain.

Repeat until the stain is gone.

Marker will vanish without taking any of the paint off.

How to get play slime out of clothing Soak it in warm water with white vinegar. Watch the slime dissolve!

Then wash as normal.

How to revive pen left without its lid on 

To revive washable felt tip pens that have dried out because the lid was left off, simply pour water into the lid.

Put it back on the pen, leave the pen standing on the bottom, non-lid end for a couple of hours, and it will be like a brand new felt tip.

How to make colorful rice to keep for years 

Measure one cup of dry rice for every tablespoon of white vinegar.

Add to a plastic bag and add a few drops of food colouring. Shake very well and lay out to dry on a flat tray lined with parchment/wax paper, then the kids can play with it.

How to get crayon marks off walls

Use window/glass cleaner and scrub with a cloth.

Repeat until the crayon is gone.

Myriam’s own journey began when her first child, Nicole, turned one and would only drink milk, refusing to eat any solid foods.

The influencer, who is also mom to Emma, five, and 17-month-old Ariana, who she shares with Marc, 37, claims doctors dismissed her concerns and simply said her daughter was still growing.

So, she set out to find a solution on her own. 

Upon learning that her daughter was experiencing texture sensitivity, she attempted to change her child’s perception of the food. 

She explained that by adding food coloring and allowing her kids to play with their food before dinner time, they began to see it as fun. 

She said: ‘Having worked with kids who have ADD and ADHD, I knew that sensory play was an effective way of introducing textures and engaging a child.

‘I knew her favorite texture was water because she loved the bath, so I started with water based play and slowly introduced new textures.

‘I made the water blue with food coloring and added some toy ducks to make it a pond.’

‘I changed the textures every three to four days to keep play interesting and new.

‘I made up recipes in my kitchen, making play dough and slime that was edible, and colorful spaghetti so she could get used to the texture through play, rather than at the dinner table.’

Eventually, Myriam’s hard work began to pay off.

She said: ‘Babies put everything in their mouths, so she quickly became accustomed to these textures and by the time she got to the dinner table she’d try real spaghetti and actually enjoy it.’

Within a few months, Nicole was eating all kinds of foods like salmon and quinoa.

Myriam said: ‘We were thrilled that we were coming out of this challenging phase.

‘Nicole enjoyed meal times, which meant we all started enjoying meals together as a family.’

Empowered by her parenting victory, Myriam started Mothercould, a website where she shared her recipes and ideas for sensory play with videos made in her own kitchen.

She said: ‘Sensory play will captivate a child’s imagination for long periods of time because they are using all their senses and it is open-ended play.

‘The moment I realized the sensory play was working for my daughter was my “mother could” moment.’

Myriam noted that she was glad that she stuck to her gut when attempting to figure out how to get her child to eat.

Myriam’s own journey began when her first child, Nicole, turned one and would only drink milk, refusing to eat any solid foods

Upon learning that her daughter was experiencing texture sensitivity, she attempted to change her child’s perception of the food

She explained that by adding food coloring and allowing her kids to play with their food before dinner time, they began to see it as fun

‘We literally tried every type of solid; yogurt, soups, kid foods, it didn’t matter,’ the mom said.

‘She would refuse all of it. It was so stressful.

‘Although Nicole was healthy, we were so concerned about her not eating and refusing to even touch the food.’

Her degree in psychology and experience in helping children with disabilities, helped her realize her daughter was experiencing texture sensitivity.

Using her techniques, the mom spent months exposing her daughter to various textures until it worked. 

The mom then set out on a mission to share other parenting hacks. 

She has helped  teach parents how to get marker off of walls, how to remove slime from clothes, and even make colorful rice. 

Source: Read Full Article

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