Mum raises eyebrows after asking what to pack her husband for lunch

Wife accused of ‘babying’ her husband by making him a school-style lunchbox daily even though he forgets to bring it back: ‘My seven-year-old does this’

  • Woman’s husband never brings his lunch container home
  • She needs give him food in disposable packaging 

A woman was met with enraged responses when she innocently asked for advice on what to put in her husband’s lunchbox. 

The wife said she packs her husband’s lunch every day for him to take on his ‘physically demanding’ job but said she worries the food she gives him ‘lacks variety’.

She said she packs him a meat sandwich as well as a different sweet snack each day and asked for other ideas in an online group.

The mum said she can’t give her husband any food that comes in reusable containers as he never remembers to them bring home. 

Many offered their snack suggestions however others thought it was amusing the husband couldn’t be trusted to return his lunch containers while some thought he could buy his own food for the work day.  

An Aussie mum has raised eyebrows after she asked for suggestions on what to pack in her husband’s lunch. She said she can’t give him reuseble containers as he always forgets them


Would you make your husband’s lunchbox every day?

Would you make your husband’s lunchbox every day?

Now share your opinion

‘Snack ideas for husband who’s job is very physically demanding. I always make him a meaty sandwich,’ the woman wrote in a post to What’s in your Lunchbox? Facebook group. 

‘Lately I’ve been throwing in a sweet snack like an oatmeal cream pie, granola bar, spicy nut mix or spicy trail mix, two mini beef sticks, a cheese stick, fruit snacks (he’s obsessed), chips and an apple.’

She said she worries she is not giving her husband enough variety despite hearing no complaints from him and asked for lunchbox ideas. 

‘It has to be easy-to-eat snacks and nothing in a reusable container because he never brings them back in the house,’ she added. 

‘Also ideally things that don’t NEED to be refrigerated. He still hasn’t brought me back his lunch box so I’ve been sending in a grocery bag.’

The post attracted a flurry of comments as some thought the woman was doing too much for her husband. 

The woman said she worries she is not giving her husband enough variety despite hearing no complaints from him and asked for lunchbox ideas

‘Jeez sounds like you live and breathe for this guy! Has he never experienced a shop/takeaway before?’ one woman asked. 

Others thought the man not being able to bring containers home was laughable.       

‘I’m laughing at him not bringing the stuff back. My seven-year-old does that. Didn’t know some people it lasts a lifetime,’ one mum said.

‘Just LOLing at him not bringing back his lunch box. My husband steals my containers all the time.’

But the response wasn’t all negative as plenty of people offered their helpful lunchbox suggestions. 

‘It sounds like you’re literally giving him tons of variety! It’s not like you’re giving him the same sandwich and side every day! But pasta salad is a good one. It’s easy, packs well, and you can add meat or cheese cubes for protein,’ one member said. 

‘You could try making protein muffins or buying them premade. I make like 24 and I’ll put two in a sandwich bag for breakfast for myself or my kids breakfast,’ a second recommended. 

‘Mini bagels with cream cheese, protein bites with nuts and nut butter, a banana, protein yogurts, dried fruit, like mango, apricots, prunes. Little smokies with cocktail sticks,’ added a third. 

‘Perhaps you could put a frozen bottle of water (part full) or frozen juice pouch in there. It will thaw during the day, but help keep things cold,’ another advised.

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