Mum spots birthmark on friend’s baby – and realises it ‘belongs to her husband’

A mum-of-four has claimed a birthmark on the newborn baby of her best friend led to her discovering her husband's alleged affair.

The parent said she recently reconnected with a friend who became pregnant and had volunteered to take care of her and give guidance to her through the pregnancy.

But, when she changed the newborn's nappy, she found two exact hereditary birthmarks which her own son had inherited from his dad.

She explained in a TikTok video: "When she was in labour, she called me and I drove her to the hospital.

"I was with her when she got an epidural and I wore the daddy wristband and I gave the baby her first bath.

"It was a beautiful experience, right? I will never forget it. I was just happy to be a part of it.

"Unfortunately three days later I saw the hereditary birthmark, which I'm very familiar with because my oldest son has it, it's an extra piece of cartilage that grows outside the neck so he looks like a little Frankenstein baby."

She said she noticed what she called the "bowling bumps" on the baby girl's neck while changing her nappy.

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"Several of his other children have it as well, so I knew exactly that the baby was my husband at the time."

Later, the woman said her then-best friend admitted the affair and that she had been sleeping with her husband.

Recalling the moment, she said: "She was standing next to me when I was changing the baby, that's when we both saw the birthmark.

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"We looked at each other, I had to step outside – I needed a moment to think what I should do in this situation.

"She did admit it right away but it wasn't until six, seven months later my ex-husband did admit that they had been sleeping together."

She split with her husband some time later but she and her friend "remained on good terms", adding that "at the end of the day, her daughter is my children’s sister".

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