My boyfriend doesn't seem to care that I could be miscarrying our child | The Sun

DEAR DEIDRE: I’M in the early stages of pregnancy but my boyfriend didn’t seem at all bothered when I started bleeding.

Despite me being in regular pain and having been warned I could be miscarrying he was completely uninterested. I feel so alone.

We had a holiday booked at the time but I didn’t want to be away from home when I didn’t know if I would lose the baby.

Instead of offering to stay and support me, he still went on holiday and I’ve only heard from him once – when he woke me up in the early hours.

I am 28 and my boyfriend is 31. Although I love him, I do wonder what he’s going to be like as a dad.

He already has a child from a previous relationship, so inexperience isn’t an excuse.

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DEIDRE SAYS: I’m sorry to hear that your boyfriend’s behaving so insensitively.

He may be feeling responsible for putting you in this position in the first place or scared you may lose the baby so is distancing himself.

You must let him know how you are feeling. He needs to accept that you need his support and can’t go through this alone.

And your baby is going to need a loving and supportive dad.


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