My marriage is sexless and we're at the breaking point | The Sun

DEAR DEIDRE: I AM stuck in a sexless ­marriage with a man who says he isn’t sure he loves me any more.

We have an eight-month-old baby and although I love my daughter dearly, I feel like crying every day.

I’m 30 and my husband is 32. We’ have been together for seven years. 

Our sex life went off the boil five years ago, and has never recovered.  It has left me feeling unwanted, with no confidence.

My husband said he wanted a child and I hoped once the baby was born things would improve, but instead they have got worse. 

We haven’t been intimate for six months. I’ve stopped trying to initiate it because I’m sick of being rejected. He won’t even hug me.

When I tried to talk to him about it, he admitted he wasn’t sure how he felt about me, but didn’t want to split up our family.

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DEIDRE SAYS: You can’t carry on like this.  Please talk to your husband again and tell him you’re at crisis point. 

Couples counselling is a good idea, if he’ll agree. But if not, you can talk to someone alone. 

Find support through Tavistock Relationships (, 020 7380 1960).

My counselling support pack will tell you more.


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