My son recently got his first girlfriend and I'm worried he may do something silly

DEAR DEIDRE: MY son recently got his first girlfriend.

He is 14 and she is 13, and they seemed very sweet and innocent together.

I sometimes check his phone and the last time I saw some messages from him boasting to his best friend.

When my son and his girlfriend have been sitting on the bus together, they have touched each other’s privates.

He said she has even showed him her breasts.

Thankfully, they have split up now, but I’m still so shocked and worried he may do something really silly.

What should I do?

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DEIDRE SAYS: It doesn’t sound as if your son, or his ex-girlfriend, came to any harm.

This appears like it was more about curiosity.

It would be good to know – does your son know you check his phone regularly? At 14, he is entitled to some privacy.

If you don’t already it would be good to start having open conversations with your son about sex and relationships.

Then, if he is worried about anything, he will talk to you.

You can get great support through Family Lives ( 0808 800 2222).

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