Nigella Lawson thinks it's ‘madness’ to have this one thing for Christmas dinner

Written by Leah Sinclair

The TV chef appeared on The News Agents podcast, where she discussed all things Christmas dinner  and the one thing she always avoids.

When it comes to Christmas dinner, the decision of what to have and what not to have is always a tricky one.

Whether it’s opting for turkey, chicken, roast potatoes or pigs in blankets (or all of the above), whittling down the Christmas dinner menu is never an easy task – and Nigella Lawson has just revealed that there is one thing she never includes on her Christmas dinner menu.

Appearing on The News Agents podcast, the TV cook shared that it is “madness” to serve starters with Christmas dinner.

“I don’t know why people do starters for Christmas lunch. I never have – that seems a madness,” she said.

“But I also think there is a way in which for so many people it does become a sort of obscene overindulgence,” she says.

“So people are not eating because it is pleasurable; they’re eating because, somehow, people feel it is [a time when] when they should be eating non-stop.”

The author added that she loves eating but that people want to feel full up and are grateful that they feel full up, but “you don’t want to be a bloated wreck”.

In the podcast, Lawson added that what she loves about Christmas lunch is the leftovers that come with it.

“What I love about Christmas lunch is that it yields leftovers, so what you don’t need to buy loads of food for after and I like doing lots of different things with leftovers… it spurs you to cook interestingly and you make use of everything.”

Whether you’re a fan of starters or not, it’s safe to say what does or doesn’t make the Christmas dinner is also a hot topic of discussion, and many took to Twitter to share their thoughts on the matter.

“If you sit down and have all the courses in quick succession then she is correct. However, if you spread them over the course of the day then you can have many courses,” commented one user.

Another tweeted: “Have to agree with Nigella here.Keep it simple, and do it well.”

Image: Getty

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