“Pause With Sam Jay” has been renewed for a second season by HBO. The late-night series debuted its first season this past May, making it one of the premium cabler’s newest talk show offerings. Created by stand-up comedian, writer and host Sam Jay and Prentice Penny, “Pause With Sam Jay” uses a fresh lens to plunge into divisive cultural issues.
“‘Pause’ is such a completely unique format, it’s the perfect platform for Sam’s keen social observations, her unfiltered, comedic point of view, and most of all, her insightful conversation and openness to different perspectives. We’re so happy to work with Sam and Prentice on a second season,” said Nina Rosenstein, executive VP of HBO Programming, in a statement announcing the renewal.
“I’m super excited that HBO is picking up our show for a second season. I am so proud of what Sam, Langston and the entire ‘Pause’ team put together in the first season and think the conversations explored were simply groundbreaking,” Penny added. “Sam is an extremely special talent that continues to shape, push and challenge the culture in so many amazing ways. I can’t wait to see what she wants to explore and dive into for the next season.” Penny and Jay executive produce for A Penny for Your Thoughts Entertainment and also write for the series. Executive producing alongside the duo are Chris Pollack, Langston Kerman, Diane Fitzgerald, David Martin and Kara Baker for Avalon, Michelle Caputo, and Shannon Hartmann.
“I can’t express how excited I am to bring you all a second season of ‘Pause.’ We learned so much during the first season and hope to take those lessons into this new chapter and deliver something even better. There are so many topics to explore and so much growth to be had. I can’t wait to dig in with the team and get to work! See y’all mofos soon!,” Jay said.
“Pause With Sam Jay” is co-executive produced by Alex Soler for A Penny for Your Thoughts; it is directed by JamsXBash and produced for HBO by Art & Industry, Avalon and A Penny for Your Thoughts.
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