Psychic Baba Vanga predicts a solar storm and bioweapon tests in 2023

Blind psychic Baba Vanga, who previously predicted 2022 droughts and 9/11, warned we could expect a nuclear explosion and bioweapon tests on humans in 2023

  • Psychic Baba Vanga, who died 25 years ago aged 84, predictions for 2023
  • She warned to expect massive solar storms and bioweapons testing on humans
  • She also envisaged a nuclear explosion and an end to natural births in 2023

A blind psychic who correctly predicted the 9/11 attacks and claimed cities would face water shortages from droughts in 2022, claimed we can expect bioweapon tests next year.

Known as the Nostradamus of the Balkans, Baba Vanga, who died 25 years ago in 1996 aged 84, made five terrifying prophecies for 2023 before her death.

The Bulgarian mystic, who left predictions for every year up until 5079, envisaged disastrous solar storms, bioweapons testing on humans, Earth’s orbit to shift, a nuclear explosion, and an end to natural births in 2023.

A blind psychic known as the Nostradamus of the Balkans, Baba Vanga, who died 25 years ago in 1996 aged 84, made five terrifying prophecies for 2023 before her death

Vanga predicted that a ‘big country’ will carry out bioweapons studies on humans, which would result in the deaths of thousands of people. 

However the Biological Weapons Convention of the United nations bans these types of experiments from being carried out.

Baba, who correctly prediction of the Chernobyl disaster, also warned of a potential nuclear power plant explosion in 2023.

This eerie prediction comes as world leaders worry about a nuclear disaster in Ukraine. 

Baba, who correctly prediction of the Chernobyl disaster, also warned of a potential nuclear power plant explosion in 2023

Just last month, powerful explosions shook the area around Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, with the U.N.’s atomic energy chief calling the Russian war on Ukraine ‘extremely disturbing.’    

Baba also predicted that next year the Earth would experience a change in its orbit somehow – although the details of such were not given. 

Every year, the Earth travels 584 million miles around the sun however orbit can shift slightly due to gravitational forces of other planets.

Although shifting in such a radical way in just a year would be devastating for our environment as it would lead to soaring temperatures, rising sea levels and radiation levels.

A Russian serviceman guards an area of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Station in territory under Russian military control, southeastern Ukraine (pictured October 2022)

The arrival of a solar storm of a magnitude never before witnessed on planet Earth is another terrifying prophecy. 

Solar storms could cause mass blackouts and communication breakdowns, causing a slew of problems. 

Solar storms occur when a burst of energy is released from the sun, sending electrical charges, magnetic fields, and radiation hurtling towards Earth. 

Another frightening prediction is that natural human births will be prohibited by governments.

The outlandish scenario would occur when government officials allegedly push for the lab-grown production of all human life and restrict natural births. 

Solar storms occur when a burst of energy is released from the sun, sending electrical charges, magnetic fields, and radiation hurtling towards Earth

Leaders and medical experts would be able to decide who is born while parents would be able to customise their traits and appearance – like hair colour and eye colour.

She previously warned that large cities would face draught due to rising temperatures in 2022.

The prediction appeared to have some weight to it because earlier this year it was reported that Kent residents were issued a water warning for ‘essential use only’.

The locals where warned by South East Water to reduce their water use as heightened demand and sweltering temperatures had already moved the county to ‘Red status’.

The warning came as Bewl Water near Tunbridge Wells (pictured) is at 70 per capacity, with demand already 20 per cent higher and set to increase

A drone recently flew over the Bewl Water Reservoir and sand can be seen near the jetty as the water reseeds 

The warning came as Bewl Water near Tunbridge Wells is at 70 per capacity, with demand already 20 per cent higher and set to increase, according to KentLive.

However it’s not just the UK seeing water shortages, because in July it was reported countries like Portugal and Italy were telling citizens to try and restrict their water usage. 

However, some of her other predictions for 2022 haven’t stood up, so far, after she she claimed the world would see terrifying events including deadly tsunamis and another pandemic.

She has previously correctly predicted the Russian invasion of Ukraine, she even terrifyingly once claimed in a 1979 interview that Russia was to dominate the world and that president Vladimir Putin is to become ‘Lord of the World’

How good is Baba Vanga’s record?


Prediction: Baba Vanga’s 2019 forecasts were very similar to her 2020 and 2021 predictions, foreseeing illness for Trump and an assassination attempt against Putin. She also predicted a European economic collapse.

Result: Trump and Putin have both survived although Trump did catch coronavirus in October 2020. Europe’s economy has taken a huge hit due to Covid this year.


Prediction: China would become the next great superpower and a new form of energy would emerge on Venus.

Result: China’s status as a global power has risen since Baba Vanga’s death, but there is no reason to single out 2018. There was no major discovery on Venus.


Prediction: America’s 44th president would be the last one. According to some versions, she also predicted he would be black.

Result: Barack Obama was indeed the first African-American president. But Donald Trump became the 45th president in January 2017.


Prediction: The mystic pointed to 2016 as the year that Europe would ‘cease to exist’, making a dire prediction of ’empty spaces and wasteland, nearly devoid of any form of life’.

Result: Europe was rattled by the 2016 Brexit result but ‘cease to exist’ is an extreme interpretation.


Prediction: ‘A huge wave will cover a big coast covered with people and towns, and everything will disappear beneath the water. Everything will melt, just like ice.’

Result: The 2004 Boxing Day tsunami brought devastation to Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Thailand and other countries, killing more than 230,000.

2001: 9/11 ATTACKS

Prediction: Baba Vanga predicted ‘horror’ for the US, warning in 1989 that ‘the American brethren will fall after being attacked by the steel birds’.

Result: Four hijacked planes brought terror to America on 9/11, killing nearly 3,000 people. ‘Steel birds’ could be read as a reference to the jets.


Prediction: In 1979, Baba Vanga predicted a future Russian dominance under ‘Vladimir’s glory’ in which the country would become ‘lord of the world’.

Result: On February 24, 2022, the Russian Federation began a military invasion of Ukraine, escalating a conflict that had been simmering since Russia’s 2014 annexation of Ukraine’s Crimean peninsula. After ten months of fighting, the Russian military has shown itself incapable of seizing and holding a large part of Ukraine. While the war’s outcome is uncertain, however the conflict ends, a sovereign and independent Ukrainian state will remain on the map of Europe.

Luckily, no major tsunamis have hit shorelines so far however the Covid-19 pandemic does seem to be gathering momentum again. 

We have also seen an outbreak with Monkeypox around the world however it has failed to cause any real public problems. 

The psychic claimed she had a rare gift from God that helped her see into the future after losing her sight at the age of 12. 

She has previously correctly predicted the Russian invasion of Ukraine as well as the 9/11 attacks in New York City. 

She even terrifyingly once claimed in a 1979 interview that Russia was to dominate the world and that president Vladimir Putin is to become ‘Lord of the World’. 

She also made a prediction about World War Three and the potential use of nuclear weapons. 

During the interview with writer Valentin Sidorov, she said Putin’s ‘glory’ will remain ‘untouched’.  

She said: ‘All will thaw, as if ice, only one remain untouched – Vladimir’s glory, glory of Russia.

‘All will be removed by her from the way and not only will be kept, but also becomes the lord of the world.’

It is claimed that during her 50-year career, she also predicted the Coronavirus pandemic, Chernobyl disaster in Ukraine in 1986 and the death of Princess Diana in 1997. 

The psychic reportedly predicted the Covid outbreak ‘years ago’ when she warned: ‘The corona will be all over us.’   

In 1989, she reportedly said of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Centre: ‘Horror, horror! The American brethren will fall after being attacked by the steel birds.

‘The wolves will be howling in a bush, and innocent blood will be gushing.’

Baba also correctly predicted that the 44th US president [Barack Obama] would be the first to be black, although she did say he would be the very last.

She also said the 45th president of the United States was to be ‘faced with a crisis’ that would ‘bring the country down’ which could be linked to the challenges faced during Trump’s time in office, including the storming of the State Capitol in Washington DC.

She incorrectly predicted that Europe would ‘cease to exist’ by 2017, the mystic said the continent would be turned into a ‘wasteland almost entirely devoid of human life.’

Vanga grew up on a farm, in what is now Macedonia, and became blind after being dragged into a tornado when she was young, with believers saying this freak accident was what gave her second sight. 

Read more like this…

Blind psychic Baba Vanga – who is known as the ‘Nostradamus of the Balkans’ and correctly predicted 9/11 – claims Russian president Vladimir Putin will become ‘Lord of the World’ 

The world will suffer ‘cataclysms and disasters’ in 2021 and a ‘strong dragon’ will seize humanity but a cure for cancer will also be found, according to blind Balkan mystic Baba Vanga who ‘predicted 9/11’ 

Muslim terrorists will try to wipe out Europe with a chemical attack in 2020, Vladimir Putin will survive an assassination attempt and Donald Trump will fall ill, predicts blind mystic Baba Vanga who ‘foresaw’ 9/11 

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