Psychologist reveals how to spot a cheating partner

How to spot a CHEATER: Psychologist reveals the red flag your partner is having a secret affair – and the signs YOU are the other man or woman

  • Psychologist Daniel Acon has shared a lesser-known tip to spot a cheater 
  • The US expert suggests analysing what your partner says  
  • He said to take note if your partner accuses you of cheating without evidence
  • This could be a sign they’re cheating or talking to other people 

A psychologist has revealed a lesser-known secret to spotting a cheater.

Instead of taking note of your partner’s behaviours or facial expressions, Daniel Acon suggests analysing what your partner says.

In a recent Instagram video, Mr Acon, from the US, said if your partner acts suspiciously and accuses you of cheating without any hard evidence, this could be a red flag they are unfaithful.

But he started by saying: ‘Disclaimer: this only works if you haven’t broken their trust, otherwise, they might be justified in how they feel about you.’

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Psychologist Daniel Acon (pictured) shared how to spot a cheater based on what they say

A post shared by @thedanielacon

‘If you’re dating someone and they start accusing you of cheating or they’re worried that you’re talking to other people without any evidence, it usually means that they’re cheating and talking to other people,’ Acon says.

‘They’re just worried that you’re doing the same thing.’

He added how the psychological term for this behaviour is called ‘projection’ and said: ‘People tend to project what’s inside of them onto other people.’

While many were ‘mind blown’ after watching the video, others disagreed with the tip.  

‘Not really. What if someone has anxiety and fear of abandonment,’ one person wrote in the comments.

‘What about the trauma of being cheated on?’ another asked, to write Mr Acon responded with: ‘Absolutely, I didn’t say this was every single time.’

A third added: ‘I have a fear, not because I’m doing it myself but I’m scared to get hurt while I let my protection wall down.’

‘If you’re dating someone and they start accusing you of cheating or they’re worried that you’re talking to other people without any evidence, it usually means that they’re cheating and talking to other people,’ Acon says (stock image)

It follows after Australian relationship expert Louanne Ward revealed the key signs to look out for that signal you might be the other woman or man.

Relationship expert Louanne Ward (pictured) shared the most common signs that you may be an innocent bystander in a complicated love triangle

‘For anyone who has been on the receiving end of an unfaithful partner there are often many unanswered questions,’ Louanne told FEMAIL.

‘And if you have ever been subject to a cheating partner it’s likely that you have felt a deep rage and dislike for the third person who has caused such pain in your relationship.

‘But what if the third person is oblivious? There’s another side to every story. How do you know if the person who is chasing you is already taken and you’re the other woman or man?’

According to Louanne, there are two main scenarios in this situation: your partner loves the thrill of having multiple partners or your partner is leading a double life.

‘People who are repeat offenders and are in relationships who have affairs are often seasoned professionals so it’s hard to know at first if you are being perused by someone in a relationship,’ Louanne said.

‘Let’s look at the scenario. You have finally met somebody they are everything you have been looking for but for some reason something just doesn’t seem right.

‘Listen to the warning bells and consult this check list. If its sounding familiar you could very well be involved with someone who is already in a relationship.’

Key signs that you are the other woman or man

* Dates are spontaneous and there are no long-term plans 

* Most of your phone calls happen during the day 

* Evening correspondence will be via text and there will be delayed replies

* You are likely to have never been to their house or met family or friends 

* You don’t go to venues near their house 

* They will likely pay with things in cash a lot of the time 

* They will react defensively if you question them too much  

Source: Read Full Article

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