Royals like Kate and William could sleep in ‘separate beds’ – claims

Kate and William, Prince and Princess of Wales, travelled by train across the UK as part of a royal tour in 2020 when it is believed they slept in different rooms.

Photos of the royal train showed two separate bedrooms as well as a royal suit that had “his and hers” single beds.

It is known that the late Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip would not only “sleep in separate beds”, but also have “separate bedrooms”.

Sleeping in different beds is a very common aristocratic custom that originated in the UK, and as Prince Philip’s cousin Lady Pamela Hicks explained, the aristocracy “always have separate bedrooms”.

She commented: “In England, the upper class always have had separate bedrooms. You don’t want to be bothered with snoring or someone flinging a leg around.

“Then, when you are feeling cosy you share your room sometimes. It is lovely to be able to choose.”

According to the Head of the Sleep Council, Lisa Artis, the practice may also be beneficial for couples. “To some, sleeping apart implies that there is trouble in paradise, but in reality, if your sleep habits don’t synchronise then it’s much better, for your relationship to sleep apart.”

She continued: “Tired people are less tolerant and patient than those who are fully rested, the result can easily be rows and arguments. Disputes that undermine relationships can drive couples apart.

“Chronic sleep debt can have a seriously damaging effect on our mental and physical health. A good night’s sleep is vital as a restorative time and plays a significant role in healing and repairing the heart and blood vessels, recharging the brain but also giving us the ability to manage and cope. Good sleep also strengthens the immune system and the cardiovascular system.

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“Regular poor sleep also puts you at risk of serious medical conditions, including depression obesity, diabetes, heart disease, stroke and Alzheimer’s – and it shortens your life expectancy,” she told The Evening Standard.

Although it is unlikely and unknown if Kate and William follow this old tradition, sleeping in separate beds could be highly beneficial for the young couple who need to be “fully rested” and in good “physical health” to undertake their royal duties.

American entrepreneur Eric Borukhin opined that having separate bedrooms is a “luxury” and mainly “a matter of convenience, if you can afford it”.

He explained that “if you can have that extra room, it is basically a luxury,” and suggested that in the aristocracy, everybody may “accept it as a normal thing”.

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It is unknown if King Charles and Queen Camilla have separate rooms but according to sources, they reportedly have three bedrooms, one they share and one for each.

Chief Executive of London estate agents Wetherell, Peter Wetherell, added: “Where royalty and aristocracy have led, so the rich and famous have followed, so that celebrities, movie stars and business tycoons all like having private separate VIP bedroom suites for themselves and their partners.

“Now in Mayfair around 10 percent of the houses and apartments have multiple master/VIP bedroom suites.”

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