Seven tricks to save on energy bills and heat your bedroom this winter

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With the rising cost of living continuing to bite hard, many families are desperate to find ways to keep warm this winter while not spending a fortune on heating bills.

It comes as 75 per cent of us are planning to use less central heating this winter, while 14 per cent are planning to avoid turning it on all together, according to a YouGov poll.

As temperatures begin to drop, many people are worried about keeping warm at night due to the skyrocketing energy bills.

Thankfully, experts at Bed Kingdom have revealed seven tricks to keep your bedroom warm at night without turning on the heating.

Leave the curtains open during the day – free

With the colder weather, it is tempting to close the curtains and shut out the world.

However, this can make your bedroom even colder when it comes time to sleep.

During the day, keep your curtains open, especially if your bedroom gets direct sunlight.

As sunlight hits your glass windows, radiation passes through and warms anything able to absorb the heat, including your bed, furniture, or even your clothes.

A room exposed to lots of sunlight throughout the day can warm up quicker than one without any sunlight.

Once the sun sets, close the curtain to trap the heat inside.

Buy warmer pyjamas – £20-30 

Make sure you are wearing the right pyjamas in the winter months to keep yourself warm while you sleep.

Some materials work to keep us cool while others work to warm us up, so it is important to know which ones to wear for the colder months.

Cotton pyjamas are a good choice as they allow for temperature control, letting air circulate without letting your body lose its natural heat.

They are ideal for cold weather and chilly nights. Fleece pyjamas are also beneficial.

Invest in a heated mattress topper – From £22 

A heated mattress topper uses electrically heated wires or heated water to increase the pad’s temperature.

Place this on top of your mattress to heat up your bed while you sleep.

Not only will it keep you warm, but a heated mattress topper can also help your muscles relax, meaning you’ll fall asleep much more easily.

While it may be expensive to keep this running all night, try switching it on an hour before bed so that when you are ready to sleep you will not be shivering. 

Use bubble wrap for window insulation – Under £5 

If the windows in your bedroom are single-glazed, you have probably noticed that it is difficult to keep the warm air inside your room.  

One quick, cheap solution is to use bubble wrap.

Bubble wrap works as a good insulator thanks to its small air pockets.

As the base material is plastic, it heats up quickly and serves as a fantastic insulator. 

Simply spray your window with water and the bubble wrap should stick to your window.

You will be grateful once the temperatures plummet. 

Get yourself a hot water bottle – £5  

If you are on a budget, a hot water bottle could be a great option for you.

The rubber or thermoplastic bottle has insulating properties that prevent heat from escaping from the hot water right away, meaning it will stay hot for at least two hours.

As well as keeping you warm, hot water bottles can be great for relieving stress and easing aches and pains, all while helping you get a good night’s sleep.

Simply leave the hot water bottle under your duvet for 5-10 minutes before you head to bed and keep it close to you while you sleep. However, it should be noted that hot water bottles should not be left with children as there is a danger of injury if they burst.

Insulate your floor with a rug – £15-£20 

According to the National Energy Foundation, you can lose up to 10 per cent of heat through an uninsulated floor.

If you have wooden floors in your bedroom, it could be worth investing in a rug.

For as little as £10, the extra layer will keep the heat inside your bedroom and can also warm your feet in the mornings.

Rearrange your bedroom furniture – free 

Your bedroom layout, believe it or not, could be keeping you awake and shivering at night.

Having your bed too close to your window means that any draughts coming in will hit your bed directly.

Single-glazed glass windows also cause condensation and heat loss, which is why you want your bed as far away from the windows as possible.

Place your bed away from your window, preferably in a corner.

Add extra layers of blankets and pillows to help keep you warm during the night.

Source: Read Full Article

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