Should I tell my colleague that I found her partner on a hook-up site? | The Sun

DEAR DEIDRE: I’M convinced my colleague’s partner is cheating on her after I discovered him on a hook-up site.

They’ve been together for eight years and have recently just had their first child.

I think she deserves to know but I’m worried she will resent me for telling her.

I’m 32, she’s 34 and we have been working together for five years.

Our work relationship has always been great and I would consider her a close friend.

Knowing that her partner was online “looking for a bit of secret fun” has begun to weigh me down, and facing her every day has become harder and harder.

While I don’t want to interfere, I feel terrible for keeping it from her.

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DEIDRE SAYS: You have good intentions but often people are not very happy with the bearer of bad news, even if it’s not their fault.

She might know more than you think and could be biding her time. By telling her, you may harm your working relationship.

It might be best to leave things as they are – but be there to support her should she find out.


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