Should we be throwing our friends 'career showers'?

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Having a baby? Cue the baby shower. Getting married? You can’t walk down the aisle without a hen do.

But these celebrations, while lovely, aren’t for everyone.

More women are choosing not to have children and fewer couples are tying the knot.

In fact, nearly 30% of Brits also say they never want to get married, while another 30% are unsure as to whether they want to make their partnership legally binding, according to a YouGov poll.

YouGov also found that when it comes to having children 37% of Brits say they don’t ever want children and a further 19% say that they don’t want kids anytime soon, although they may change their minds.

With these stats in mind, there’s a significant chunk of Brits who won’t be celebrating these ‘traditional’ milestones.

Normalize hosting career showers! #careershower #womenempowerment #internationalwomensday #fyp #girlboss

But why should those who don’t want to be married or have children be deprived of a celebration?

There’s an iconic Sex And The City episode, ‘A Woman’s Right to Shoes’, where Carrie adds up all the money she’s spent on one of her friend’s life choices – from engagement gifts to gifts after the birth of her three children.

Carrie says: ‘If you are single, after graduation, there isn’t one occasion where people celebrate you.’

And while it sounds pretty depressing, she’s got a point.

But now, TikToker Amy Chan has found a way to change that.

If there’s one thing many of us have in common – regardless of relationship status or family set up – it’s that we go to work, which is why Amy believes we should ‘normalise hosting career showers.’

Maybe your friend got the promotion, or that title they’ve always wanted. Maybe she got a pay increase or landed her dream job. It’s important to celebrate the wins that don’t involve marriage and babies.

Amy said: ‘There’s also other important milestones in a woman’s life to be celebrated, such as starting a new company, buying your first home, getting a big promotion.’

The concept is the same as any other shower. There’s nice flowers, a cake and everyone gets a little dressed up.

Speaking of what went on at a recent career shower she attended, Amy said: ‘There were no physical gifts and instead gifts of wisdom.

‘Each person shared a lesson on what helped them grow. Question prompts create a lot more connection and bonding.’

It’s a great chance to build each other up and celebrate even the smallest of wins.

And, while Amy’s career shower didn’t involve gifts, who doesn’t love a thoughtful present?

So, if you’re in need of any gift inspo for a career shower, we rounded up our top picks.

Five gifts to buy your career smashing pal

Sunshine Blooms Undated Daily Planner from Papier, £25

Very Berry Gin from Sipsmith, £29

Liberty Brighton Blossom Whale Coffee Cup from Chilly’s, £36

The Jasmine Hoop plant from Bloom, £37

Working Hard, Hardly Working by Grace Beverly, £10.99

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