Spoilers: Hendrix dies suddenly and Estelle resorts to blackmail in Neighbours

The Neighbours cast filmed their final scenes last week and as the show sadly speeds towards it’s ending, more tragedy will befall the locals.

Shockwaves roll through Ramsay Street as Hendrix Greyson (Ben Turland) pulls through his surgery only for his health to take a fatal nosedive. With hours to live, all he can do is say his goodbyes – and spend his last few moments with his new wife Mackenzie Hargreaves (Georgie Stone).

His death sends ripples across the community, with Toadie (Ryan Moloney) making a shock decision in direct reaction to his loss leaving his own loved ones gobsmacked. Others will look for comfort in surprising places.

Elsewhere, Terese Willis’ (Rebekah Elmaloglou) mum Estelle (Maria Mercedes) sinks to lower lows after Glen (Richard Huggett) reaches out to help only for her to respond by blackmailing him.

And amidst the grief, evil Corey (Laurence Boxhall) is ready and willing to pounce again when the perfect opportunity for him arises. Who will fall victim to him this time?

Here’s what’s ahead in Neighbours.

Hendrix dies in heartbreaking scenes

Hendrix and Mackenzie pull off the wedding to end all weddings – it’s a day of love and laughter that sees them celebrated by their nearest and dearest. But the happiness is short lived when Hendrix is called in for his surgery – things are about to get serious. He’s nervous and excited that this could be the start of their future and a new lease of life, and things are looking good when he goes in for surgery and pulls through with ease. But it’s not long before he realises something is wrong – his health rapidly declines as his body tragically begins rejecting his new lungs. Nothing can be done; Hendrix is going to die. Facing death, he makes his painful goodbyes before dying with a distraught Mackenzie by his side.

Ramsay Street grieves for Hendrix

Ramsay Street is rocked by the sudden loss of Hendrix. Sadie is guilt-ridden over her part in his death and blames himself as it’s down to her he got sick in the first place. The rest of the street comes together to support Mackenzie, with Harlow doing what she can to support her best mate. Chloe is struggling too with Kiri providing a shoulder to cry on.

Just when the grief seems all-consuming, Zara comes forward with the video Hendrix had been making. Seeing him alive once again on the screen briefly warms the broken hearts. But how will Mackenzie cope without her soulmate?

Toadie proposes in wake of shock death

The shock of a sudden death can often cause knee-jerk reactions, and that is what Mel fears happens here. Watching Mel comfort a sad Nell and feeling the support and love she gives him, Toadie realises he wants Mel in his life forever. She’s his rock and he doesn’t want to waste any more time not being officially joined together. He pops the question, catching Mel totally off-guard. And her reaction does the same to Toadie – she says no. She’s too afraid he’s only proposing because of his grief, so makes him a counteroffer. Will his dented pride allow him to accept her new plan?

Estelle blackmails Glen

Estelle is becoming more and more of a shady character as time goes on. While Terese is feeling absolute guilt at kicking her mum out of the house, Estelle is plotting underhand ways of getting back in. All she’d have to do is show some remorse and prove she plans to change her ways, but instead chooses manipulation to get what she wants. Glen discovers Estelle’s living situation and, being a good bloke with a big heart, offers to put her up at the vineyard. She happily accepts, which could prove the downfall of a well-meaning Glen. While at the vineyard she learns Glen’s dark secret and spies an opportunity for blackmail. She’ll tell Terese everything unless he gets her back in Terese’s good books. Glen is terrified at the truth coming out, how far will he go to protect his secret?

Terese hands Estelle an ultimatum

Terese is disgusted to learn of Estelle’s blackmail and Glen’s betrayal. Furious, she slaps Estelle with an ultimatum – Terese hands her a check and tells her to decide between having her own daughter in her life, or having money. Which will she choose? Meanwhile, Glen is gutted to have ruined things with Terese, will this push him into a further downwards spiral?

Corey strikes again

When faced with the opportunity to bring Corey down, Harlow puts aside her grief over Hendrix to make sure it happens. She’s working on her sting operation but so far Corey hasn’t taken the bait. Sadie’s dad Andrew wants her to give up this dangerous mission, but just as she goes to hand him her phone, Corey makes contact. She arranges to meet him but when he makes sudden changes to the arrangements, Harlow and Andrew smell a rat. They abandon the plan, but Sadie and Zara decide they’ll take the dangerous plot on instead. They go alone to meet the crazy man, but just how much danger are they putting themselves in?

Scenes air from Monday June 13 on Channel 5.

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