Stomach-churning photos capture the worst food abominations

Gone appetit! Stomach-churning photos capture food that leaves a bad taste in every sense – from a meaty Justin Bieber sculpture to a pickled Snickers

  • These bizarre dishes are sure to put even the most cast-iron stomachs to the test 
  • They were collated by Bored Panda, from a Facebook group called Cursed Foods
  • Include Peppa Pig puzzle which is just mince and meat sculpture of Justin Bieber

From a Peppa Pig puzzle which is actually just mince to a ground meat sculpture of Justin Bieber, these bizarre dishes are sure to put even the most cast-iron stomachs to the test.

Rounded up by Bored Panda, from a Facebook group called Cursed Foods, the images also included an apple placed between a bread roll to form a sandwich, as well as meat and onions shaped into a creepy foot.

Ripping up the rule book when it came to flavour combinations many of the recipes from the around the world combined bizarre sweet and savoury ingredients. 

Here, FEMAIL selects the most shocking meal suggestions…   

From a Peppa Pig puzzle which is actually just mince (pictured) to a ground meat sculpture of Justin Bieber, these bizarre dishes are sure to put even the most cast-iron stomachs to the test

Unappealing: This sculpture made from minced meat and bacon rashers was created to look like singer Justin Bieber 

Sunny-Side Up? One social media user clearly loves chocolate – even enough to add it to their eggs in the morning

Gross! We’re not sure where to begin with this combination but it sure does look unappetising

Ripping up the rule book when it came to flavour combinations many of the recipes from the around the world combined bizarre sweet and savoury ingredients – including this cake mixed with chicken noodle soup (above)

Bean cracking on: This bizarre combination sees baked beans added to pistachio shells

Rice-cream: Seemingly not a fan of ice cream, this person has created their own concoction to team with a cone

Let’s hope that’s very thin chocolate pieces: One worried social media user shared the above creepy cake online and questioned whether hair was used to decorate it

Meat and onions shaped into a creepy foot, anyone? This unappetising meal was also shared to the Facebook group Cursed Foods

Never enough Nutella: One person shared online how they added a chocolate spread to their boiled eggs

Spaghetti and easy cheese combined with a tiny pizza and bacon seemed to make up this bizarre cocktail

Rounded up by Bored Panda, from a Facebook group called Cursed Foods, the images also include an apple placed between a bread roll to form a sandwich (pictured)

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