Study shows different genres of music can influence spending habits

woman at restaurant with musical notes around her

What you hear can impact what you buy, a new study has found.

Two-thirds of UK adults admit that the genre of music playing in shops and restaurants can influence their buying habits.

The study, conducted by music licensing company PPL PRS, found 67% of respondents would leave a venue if they arrived to silence – showing just how important music has become (even if it’s just background noise) in our day-to-day culture.

Pop music was also found to be the genre that encourages people to buy the most when they’re out shopping.

It seems more than a third of customers feel more inclined to buy extravagant clothes and accessories, such as designer trainers with pop playing – and in supermarkets, this rises to 43%.

This type of music also makes 37% of people more likely to try a new hairstyle if it’s playing in the salon while they are getting a cut.

In restaurants, the study found that classical music could get 31% of diners to order more expensive items off the menu – perhaps owing to the idea that classical music is ‘higher’ in value and taste.

Marianne Rizkallah, a music therapist for PPL PRS, says: ‘Music has mood-enhancing powers.

‘When customers – whether pub-goers or shoppers – enter an environment that’s sound-tracked by a catchy beat or familiar tune, they may feel happier.

‘If we feel good, we’re more inclined to treat ourselves.

‘It’s fascinating to see that pop is recurringly popular across sectors, perhaps due to the upbeat tempo and memorable lyrics that characterise this genre.

‘Plus, pop has evolved greatly over the decades; it often draws on influences from other genres so is more diverse than ever, driving mass appeal.’

Meanwhile rock and soul made people feel braver with their shopping decisions.

However, over 60s were more likely to spend more if they heard music that was popular in their youth.

Overall, music that makes people feel ‘happy’ has a huge impact on spending.

Likewise, when music was lacking, many felt it affected the atmosphere of a place – making it less ‘fun’ to be in.

And this was most important in the hospitality industry.

The study also reiterates how our senses play a vital role enhancing our experiences – even with more mundane activities, like shopping.

Other key concerns for people were colour, fragrance and lighting.

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