Teen Mom Family Reunion Kicks Off With Explosive Fight Between Jade, Briana and Ashley

As Jade got pulled away by security, Ashley twerked up a storm and the other girls looked on in shock.

It didn’t take long for the finger pointing and shouting to start as a group of Teen Mom stars from across both shows met up for a very special getaway.

Premiering Tuesday night on MTV, “Teen Mom Family Vacation reunited “Teen Mom OG” stars Amber Portwood, Maci Bookout and Cheyenne Floyd with “Teen Mom 2” stars Leah Messer, Jade Cline, Briana DeJesus and Ashley Jones for one helluva trip to San Diego, California. Though Farrah Abraham will also stir up some trouble when she arrives, she did not appear in the premiere.

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The way the show presents it, both Maci and Cheyenne planned the getaway, but allowed producers to invite any Teen Moms — past or present — they wanted. The two claimed to have no idea who else would show up when they got to the resort. “I want the moms to realize we are a lot more alike than we are different and there’s a lot to learn from each other. This will be the spring break that we never had,” said Maci, setting the scene.

Cheyenne, meanwhile, noted that there was “a lot of pettiness” between some of the show’s stars — and hoped the retreat would bring them closer together so they could put their issues behind them.

When the ladies all arrived, they met up at a mixer — where Maci and Cheyenne were quick to see a photo of Farrah. “We never got along with her but we also said we should involve everyone. She’s just mean,” said Maci, hinting at some of the drama sure to come later this season.

In the premiere, however, it was Jade, Briana and Ashley who had to most beef — as the first two  felt the former had disrespected them both on social media in the past. Immediately, Jade wanted to distance herself from Ash, who was hoping to avoid trouble by simply playing nice and pretending there was no tension between them. It didn’t work, as everyone felt she was being “fake.”

Because simply throwing these young women together apparently wasn’t enough of a catalyst for chaos, a life coach was also invited to the mixer — and encouraged the ladies to work through their issues with each other right off the bat, so they could enjoy the rest of the trip after. She had them participate in some “scream therapy,” where the girls were tasked with screaming out something they’ve been keeping inside that they didn’t like about themselves … or someone else in the group. Asking for trouble!

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Leah said she had issues trusting people, Portwood shouted “F— men!” after dealing with too many toxic people in her life for years and Maci felt like she simply was “not enough,” Briana stirred the pot by exclaiming, “F— the fakeness.” She then said she was specifically talking about Ashley, who had called her a “punk ass bitch” online but was being nice to her face at the resort.

“You said things that I just don’t f— with. She was saying stuff like, ‘Do you wanna fight? We can fight. I’ll f— you up,” said Briana. “You don’t know me. I don’t know you. So for you to make such big accusations or to feel some type of way, that’s kind of s—-y or f—ed up.”

“I feel like it could have been inflated given the fact we’re both on TV. I think if you and I had a chance to talk, it would have been different,” Ashley replied. “I probably should have never said s—, so for that I’m sorry. I’m big enough to say I should have never said s—. And how you move forward is how you move forward.”

Jade, however, wasn’t buying the apology.

“What I see here, how you’re talking to me, is a different person from what I’ve experienced online. You try to bully me online, you try to put me down, say all these really toxic things,” Cline said. “I come here and you’re cordial and you’re fine … but then I’ve seen you online saying nasty things. I feel like it’s two different people.”

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As the three of them started to get more heated and in each other’s faces, Amber worried they were all getting too close — and feared it would get physical. Ash said she wasn’t going to hit anybody, as she tried to make excuses for her behavior. That set off Jade, who screamed, “We all have our own f—ing problems! Come to me as a f—ing adult, don’t attack me online!”

At that point, producers started to pull them apart, as the other women watched on. At one point, Cheyenne just stepped away from the situation entirely, taking it in from afar as she sipped on her wine. “Literally night one?” asked Maci as she watched the fight, “This is going to be a long trip!”

Though things calmed a little and the life coach praised the women for all being brutally honest with each other, Ashley looked at Jade and Briana and shouted, “You bitches fake as f—!” — once again leading to security holding Cline back, while Ashley kept provoking her by twerking.

“I’ve never actually seen someone twerk and argue at the same time,” said a surprised Cheyenne, while Amber added, “I have a whole damn movie in front of me.”

The episode ended in total chaos and a slate reading, “To be continued.” New episodes of “Teen Mom Family Vacation” air Tuesdays on MTV.

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