Test YOUR knowledge of famous landmarks with this geography quiz

Tricky 24-question quiz will put your geography knowledge to the test — so, can YOU achieve a perfect score?

  • A tricky 24-question quiz will definitely put your world knowledge to the test 
  • Shared on US trivia platform Quizly, it covers world general knowledge
  • While some questions may seem easy, there are also trickier queries in the quiz  

While geography isn’t everyone’s strong suit, most people can identify the world’s most recognisable landmarks and where they can be found.

For people wanting to test their knowledge, trivia website Quizly has put together a 24-question quiz to see if people can identify the countries where some of the most famous landmarks and tourist attractions.

While some of the questions may seem easy, looks can be deceptive as there are a few trickier questions included in this quiz.

The creators have said only the brightest boffins will score more than 18 in this difficult quiz.  

So, how many can you answer? Scroll down to take the test then check your answers at the bottom. 

A new 24-question general knowledge quiz has been designed to put players’ knowledge to the test – so, how many can you answer?


  • Cambodia
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Colombia
  • Greece


  • Andorra
  • Croatia
  • Italy
  • Armenia


  • China
  • Canada
  • Nicaragua
  • Latvia


  • Honduras
  • Barbados
  • England
  • Australia


  • Germany
  • Dominican Republic
  • Australia
  • United States


  • Romania
  • Norway
  • Malaysia 
  • Belgium


  • Portugal
  • Armenia 
  • Northern Ireland
  • Denmark


  • Suriname
  • South Korea
  • England
  • Moldova


  • Spain 
  • Vatican City
  • Venezuela
  •  Germany


  • Ireland
  • Hungary
  • Canada
  • Croatia 


  • France
  • Czech Republic
  • Romania
  • Monaco


  • Poland
  • United States
  • Romania
  • Netherlands 


  • Argentina
  • Suriname
  • England
  • Paraguay


  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • Switzerland
  • Australia
  • Spain


  • Belarus
  • Haiti
  • United States
  • Hungary


  • South Korea
  • Liechtenstein 
  • Bulgaria
  • Canada


  • Panama
  • Indonesia
  • Spain
  • England


  • Dominica
  • Switzerland
  • Monaco
  • South Korea


  • Venezuela
  • Czech Republic
  • France
  • Croatia


  • Turkey
  • Suriname
  • Luxembourg
  • United States


  • Spain
  • Latvia
  • Honduras
  • Canada


  • Namibia
  • Colombia
  • Sudan
  • Egypt


  • Liechtenstein 
  • Guatemala
  • England 
  • Ukraine


  • Hungary
  • South Korea
  • Switzerland
  • Germany

Now check your answers! 

1. Cambodia

2. Italy

3. China

4. England

5. USA

6. Malaysia

7. Northern Ireland

8. England

9. Spain

10. Ireland

11. France

12. USA 

13. England

14. Australia

15. USA

16. Canada

17. England

18. South Korea

19. France

20. USA

21. Spain

22. Sudan

23. England

24. Germany 


Source: Read Full Article

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