The disastrous Blind Date that went so wrong that Maria left Danny

‘At 38 she’s a bit old for me’: The disastrous Blind Date that went so wrong that Maria left Danny, 34, on his own after their starter

  • Every week, FEMAIL asks two singletons to report back from their blind date
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Dating past 

I’ve been single for 17 years, apart from a relationship years ago that lasted around six months.

Pre-date nerves?  

Yes, I was definitely nervous as I’ve never done anything like this before, but I was also excited. I felt glamorous, attractive and confident, so I hoped to have a lovely date.

First impressions?  

Within seconds of meeting him, my hopes were dashed.

Although Danny has lovely blue eyes, which I like, he was not quite tall enough for me — our waiter was better-looking. Danny said he’d been out partying the night before so looked worn out.

Also, when he leaned in for a first kiss to say hello, his lips nearly touched mine, which was awkward.

Maria is single with a 19-year-old daughter. She is currently a student criminal lawyer and wants to meet someone who is ‘intelligent and a gent’

 Maria, pictured, did not enjoy the date and left after her starter. She said Danny spoke too much about himself 

Easy to talk to?  

In a word, no. He kept bringing the conversation round to himself, how he’d been an actor when he was younger. I hardly got a word in.

He also kept trying to hold my hand across the table, which I didn’t like at all.

He even made a ‘joke’ about not allowing me to order olives as he wouldn’t want to kiss me afterwards. I thought that was extremely forward and ungentlemanly.

Perhaps I looked too irresistible for him thanks to the team on the photoshoot!

By the time I’d finished the lunch starter, I knew I wanted to go. I had a dinner planned with some family anyway, but it was a good excuse to leave.

Embarrassing moments?  

He ate his smoked salmon with his hands and kept talking with his mouth full. Some food flew out and hit my cutlery. Danny could do with better manners.

Did sparks fly?  

Not at all. I didn’t find him physically or emotionally attractive.

See him again?  

No, please no!

What do you think he thought of you?  

I think he found me attractive because he kept being a bit too forward. If he wants to make a woman feel comfortable, he has to give her space. The whole thing left rather a bitter taste. What a waste to get glammed up for a date and then want to leave so early.

Would your family like him? 

No! They would know straight away he wasn’t right for me.



Single, with a 19-year-old daughter. 


Student criminal lawyer. 


Someone who is tall and handsome with blue, sparkly eyes and muscles. I don’t have an ideal man, but someone who is intelligent and a gent.


Single for a year, no children. 


Training to be a software engineer. 


A fun and gregarious person. Although looks aren’t the first thing I go on, I do like women with curvy hips, full lips and a thigh-gap, who make an effort with sexy nails.


Dating past  

I’ve been in a few long-term relationships and have been single for about a year after a bad break-up. It was past its sell-by date and we split by mutual consent, but it ended in a horrible row.

Pre-date nerves?  

I was a bit nervous, yes.

First impressions?  

Maria didn’t fit any of the criteria of my ideal woman — see above — so I was aware within a few seconds that she wasn’t right for me.

At 38, she was a bit too old. But I was happy to have a friendly meal and get to know someone better.

Danny, 34, is training to be a software engineer. He has been single for a year and has no children

Danny says that at 38, Maria was ‘too old’ for him and wishes she had been more ‘into’ their date 

Easy to talk to?  

Not really. I’d call the whole thing a ‘polite disaster’, and it was all very awkward.

My pet peeve is someone who isn’t genuine, and Maria came across as though she was just there for the free meal — she didn’t seem interested in me at all.

I made a joke about not wanting to kiss her if she ate the olives, but she didn’t seem to find it funny. Interestingly, she then didn’t order them, though.

She did seem to relax a little after that and we laughed about a few things, including our former jobs as models and some of our travels. But none of it was what I’d call an ‘easy’ conversation. I got the impression she was just killing time before she could leave.

Embarrassing moments?  

She made her excuses and walked out after the starter, and I was left looking like a right mug.

I rang a mate to see if he wanted to come and share the rest of the meal, but he wasn’t free, so I finished my food in silence.

Did sparks fly? 

Not at all.

See her again? 

No, definitely not. She said something like ‘perhaps we’ll see each other again?’, but it was said as if she meant to add ‘in our line of work . . . ‘ When she got up to leave, I leaned in for a kiss and she backed off and put her hand out to shake a goodbye like it was a business transaction.

What do you think she thought of you? 

It was so hard to tell. She didn’t give anything away. Even when she’d loosened up a bit, I couldn’t tell if she even liked me as a person, let alone a romantic interest.

Would your family like her?  

I really don’t think so.


LIKED? I enjoyed the starter!

REGRETS? No, it was still good to meet someone outside of work.



LIKED? The restaurant.

REGRETS? I wish she had been more ‘into’ the date.


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