Full moons present more opportunity for reflection than action.
They bring an insightful, illuminating, contemplative energy to our world and make us pause to think about things we haven’t yet fully clarified or expressed. They bring stuff to the surface.
And the next one is tomorrow, June 14.
This full moon happens during the Sun sign of Gemini and therefore occurs in the opposing sign of Sagittarius.
This full moon is about you tuning into, understanding and expressing your own sense of adventure. Sagittarius is the abundant, joyful, lucky explorer. Is that you? Or an emerging version of you?
Over the next two weeks, discover what ‘adventure’ means for you right now – what’s desirable, inspiring, feasible and possible.
Journaling is always a great idea at full moons, because what you feel is unfiltered, not yet clear or polished and to vent it upon others might backfire. Get your feelings and ideas lined up first.
Ready to discover what you need to express about your sense of adventure this full moon?
Let the tarot give you a clue…
Aries – Six of Swords
The adventure you’re longing for is about finding a way out of your current spot that you’ve outgrown – whatever that is.
The Six of Swords reveals you have been hankering for a fresh scene for a while and now you’re ready to express that and put wheels in motion. This won’t be sad. This will be refreshing and renewing.
Whether it’s a job, home, location, relationship, hobby, regime or obligation – you have run your course with it and are ready for the next phase. And it will feel like an adventure.
Taurus- Queen of Coins
The adventure you’re longing for is about wealth creation and promotion. The Queen of Coins shows you’re ready to go to the next level, maybe in work or your own investments or your entrepreneurial ideas.
You want more money (what Taurus doesn’t) and you want to make it happen vs wait for a windfall or a change in position.
You feel fired up by the prospect of hunter gathering wealth, and you’re ready to make some bold leaps and take a chance to get it going.
Gemini – Five of Wands
The adventure you’re longing for is about personal growth through challenge and trial. Sounds painful? Well, it’s true that our greatest strides forward often come from hardship, yet here you’re looking to impose that upon yourself.
A very strict regime or lifestyle control, an enforced period of solitude to learn or research or activate a project, an extreme savings scheme in order to unlock the ability to travel the world or move to your dream location.
Something enforced will lead to your next adventure. Sacrifice will lead to massive reward, as well as deeper self-awareness.
Cancer – The Sun
The adventure you’re longing for is on the cards this summer (July/August) and involves either travel or a step up to the ‘next level’ (whatever you perceive that to be).
Sun is about international travel to sunny climates (holiday, trip or move) and about stepping into the light, metaphorically.
Taking the spot that is destined for you, finding your niche and shining brightly there, letting everyone see how amazing you are. It’s time to plan your next big move (literal or material). It’s time to become the person you always wanted to be.
Leo – Six of Cups
The adventure you’re longing for is about re-discovering something nostalgic and affectionate from your past, an active trip down Memory Lane. The Six of Cups is about rekindling the embers of past loves – be that a person, a place or an activity or role.
Something is tugging at your heartstrings, something (or someone) you miss sincerely.
This full moon, tune in to those emotions, review the situation, and think about steps you can take to discover if this thing can return to your life. You may need to make the first move.
Virgo – Queen of Wands
The adventure you’re longing for is to actually create, invent, organise and go on your very own magnificent adventure- either in August or December this year.
Queen of Wands is a major traveller and explorer and she loves a challenge, she is growing and developing and pushing out of her comfort zones and this is your energy right now.
You want to expand, broaden your horizons and seek new inspiration for new goals and growth. Reflect on this. Let your mind roam and your imagination create a vision of excitement you just have to activate.
Libra – The Tower
The adventure you’re longing for is regarding the collapse, destruction, or end of something that you intuitively feel is wrong for you, and want out of. You know it won’t be easy and you’re kind of hoping the universe will step in and make something happen, so you have a new wriggle space to move into and out of this situation.
It’s coming, Libra, so don’t do anything rash or regrettable, just let karma take care of it whilst you plot what your next chapter is going to be, what is going to replace what you bring down.
Scorpio – The Hierophant
The adventure you’re longing for is about your own spiritual and personal growth, and it’s fuelled by joining in with a group, campaign, cause or forum. The Hierophant shows you seeking a mentor, inspiration, leadership, something to believe in and follow.
You are typically a solo player, but you feel the need to draw closer to like-minded and spirited people and feed on the collective energy.
You want to do good and feel good about doing it! Look for local opportunities to go join in something bigger and more powerful than anything you could create alone.
Sagittarius – Seven of Cups
The adventure you’re longing for is about activating your imagination and inner magician to create a new storyline for your life that you can’t wait to make happen. You need new stimulus. The Seven of Cups shows you wanting to draw something inspiring from within, wanting a new chapter to emerge, and wanting to be the one in control of it.
Use this full moon to meditate, brainstorm and daydream about your ideal lifestyle, who’s in it, what you’re doing, how you’re feeling. Get it all down on paper, then start to map out how you can take steps towards each of these ideals. This is how destiny is created, vs fate awaited.
Capricorn – Nine of Coins
The adventure you’re longing for is about building the kind of security and wealth that only a Cap could aspire to. You are born for riches and luxury, and you work damn hard for it too. The Nine of Coins sees you looking ahead and fixing on a few ambitions about work, finances and home that inspire you to put even more effort and determination into creating this wealth yourself, off your own back, with your own strength and talent.
You are so motivated by material rewards and you know how to create value that merits them. Go for it. Make a plan that totally inspires you.
Aquarius – Ten of Wands
The adventure you’re longing for is about rest, relaxation, less is more, a streamlined and manageable lifestyle that focuses on the big rocks in your world… and the rest can all fall away. You’re dreaming about cutting away the dead wood and dead weight in your world.
Minimising, cutting back, auditing, focusing, leaning things down in every sense. This feels like it would be totally liberating and empowering. The Ten of Wands shows too much stuff has mounted up and you need to remove the dross. Get to it.
Pisces – Ace of Wands
The adventure you’re longing for is about starting a new project that is totally and utterly authentically for you alone, and touches on your most secretively held passions and interests.
The Ace of Wands could touch upon education, culture, spirituality or lifestyle. This could be a new regime, a hobby, a course or workshop, a psychic power, a healthy routine, a trip someplace historical or significant, a series of outings or even holidays to see more of the world.
What inspires you? Daydream your way into this idea. Do it for yourself.
Do you have a story to share?
Get in touch by emailing [email protected].
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