The one spot in the house you're forgetting to clean

Professional cleaner: This is the ONE spot in the house you’re forgetting to clean – and how to do it correctly

  • A professional cleaner has revealed exactly how to wash down your walls 
  • The cleaning task should be completed every six months, experts say
  • Most people admitted to only ever spot cleaning the walls inside their homes 

You should be washing down your walls every six months, according to cleaning experts who have revealed exactly how to do it properly.

Walls catch pollen, dust, mould and other allergens, but are often overlooked when it comes to routine cleaning lists.

Many people opt, instead, to simply spot clean scuffs on their walls as they appear – without realising how filthy the surfaces can become. 

Scroll down for video 

Kacie Stephens, who owns The Big Clean Co, in Victoria recently made a video showing people how to clean their walls well

Kacie Stephens, who owns The Big Clean Co, in Victoria recently made a video showing people how to clean their walls well.

The video starts with the professional cleaner wiping down an entire wall with a long-armed duster.

She then fills a sink with a multi-purpose cleaner and water before showing off her window cleaner.

Kacie scrubs the wall with the window cleaner, working from the top, before taking to stubborn marks and scuffs with a cloth and gumption. 

‘I make it look easy but its one of the toughest jobs on a cleaner’s body,’ she said.

Some people suggested she simply use a magic eraser for the scuff marks, but Kacie was quick to explain why never does.

‘Need to be very careful with magic eraser on walls – they more often than not leave permanent damage to the finish of the paint,’ she said.

She then uses a window washer to make sure she washes the wall evenly, before using Gumption to rub tougher spots off

Another cleaners revealed she follows a similar method – but uses a mop instead of a window washer.


How often do you wash down your walls?

How often do you wash down your walls?

Now share your opinion

A group on Reddit admitted to ‘never’ cleaning a full wall, much to others’ disgust.

‘I have never done anything more than a spot clean, see some finger prints or whatever and wipe them, simple,’ one woman said.

‘I didn’t realise it was a thing until I kept getting allergies and my mum asked when I cleaned my walls last. It has made a huge difference.’

While others revealed they have to odd job on their cleaning schedule.

‘I deep clean my whole house once a month, that includes wiping all the walls down, I only do it so often because we have pets inside,’ one woman said.

While one man offered: ‘I do it at the change of each season.’

‘I tend to do it when I move my furniture around which is three times a year to make the most of the seasons,’ said a third.  

How often should I clean that?

 1 – Sheets: These should be washed weekly, more often if you have pets or when soiled.

2 – The toilet: This should be cleaned thoroughly weekly.

3 – Towels: They should only be used more than once if you can dry them completely between uses.

4 – Walls: Yu should wash them down at least twice per year. More if there has been a lot of pollen or mould. 

 5 – Air vents: Fan vents and heating vents should be cleaned monthly.

6 – Pillows: These should be cleaned every three months.

 7 – Grout: This should be done every month.

8 – Vacuuming: This should be done twice per week – high-traffic areas daily.

9 – Drains: To be cleaned monthly. 

Source: Read Full Article

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