The Spiritual Meaning Of Spring Equinox 2021 Is About New Beginnings

Time really is the best medicine, and if you pay close attention, you’ll realize that synchronicity is magic. Everything is happening in divine timing, and the spiritual meaning of the 2021 spring equinox is no exception. A celebration and sacred symbol of fertility, this season is equivalent to a collective rebirth, cosmic revival, and new beginning. Are you ready to spring forward? A new day is upon you, but you’ll have to leave a part of you behind in the process. Not to worry, you’ve been doing this for as long as you can remember, so go with the flow.

Springtime is always a cosmic pick-me-up. Mother Nature is in full bloom, and her colorful canvas is nothing short of inspiring. The spring equinox is a highly anticipated event around the world, which makes sense after a season that’s symbolic of darkness.

If you’re wondering why there’s an autumnal and spring equinox, the term represents the two times a year — spring and fall — when day and night are of equal length. During the spring equinox, however, the sun crosses the celestial equator from north to south, per The dark and the light is also symbolic of the divine feminine and sacred masculine energies within and all around you.

The Spiritual Meaning Of Spring Equinox 2021: Saturday, March 20

Before stepping into this brand-new beginning, it’s important to hold space for your hopes, wishes, and dreams. Every season has its unique appeal and numinous frequency, because everything happens for a reason. So the more you open your heart and mind to the present energies, the more you will thrive. For instance, what did you learn about yourself this past season? What will you take with you on this new journey? Is there something you want to leave in the past?

Change is the only thing that’s constant; nothing lasts forever. The spring equinox is symbolic of new life, and it also marks the beginning of Aries season. Governed by audacious Mars — the planet of assertion, desire, energy, and action — the term "springing forward" has a lot to do with the momentum stemming from this Mars-ruled season. Remember, Aries’ cardinal fire is symbolic of the first spark of light, and this is happening simultaneously within and all around you.

Often referred to as the vernal equinox, or Ostara, this season is seen as a celebration for different cultures around the world. Taking place on Saturday, March 20, upon the sun’s shift into assertive Aries, the spring equinox marks the first day of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. Despite whether you’re a fan of this season, there’s really no denying its magic. Mother Nature is in full bloom, and her colorful sustenance brings forth all the abundance you need.

To think your ancestors had no choice but to prepare for the winter’s wrath for months in advance. Hope was the only thing they had left, and the mere thought of the sun shedding its warm rays was enough to move forward and push through the darkness with strength. Sounds grim, but it puts things into perspective. More importantly, the beginning of this season is also supported by overzealous Mars, which encourages you to be bold when it comes to your individuality.

You have everything you need to move forward with confidence and clarity. So mote it be.

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