The Tarot Has Some *Excellent* News for You This Week

You don’t need to know the difference between a three-card and a Celtic cross spread to get the most out of a tarot card reading. All you need: your Sun sign! Here’s what I do: Shuffle my tarot deck and pull out the cards in order from Aries to Pisces, plus one general card for everyone so that you can get specific advice around your personality. Let’s go!


Appreciate all the good things you have in your life right at this moment. We’re all guilty of dwelling on the past, worrying about the future, and losing sight of the now. The Ten of Coins is a measure of stability, security, success, and prosperity, and I want us all to think about those themes this week. Celebrate and enjoy what you already have. We’re all lucky. We made it. We’re lucky to be right where we are.


The World is the final card in the Major Arcana. It represents grand cycles—the significant endings and beginnings in life. Wherever you feel you are in life right now, know that it’s all in flux. Whatever is sadly ending will be replaced. And whatever is happily beginning will have its own life cycle, too. Enjoy where you are, but also be flexible. Go with the flow.


Although you come across as super laid-back, you do have a bossy side, and it’s going to emerge in the next seven days. TBH, it’s not a moment too late! You need to take control this week, Taurus, and put your own agenda front and center. Stop doing what THEY say you should, and do what YOU think is the right move. No one can live your life for you, or tell you how to run it. Be a boss and get shit done for yours truly.


For the amount of trash-talking you do, Gem, it’s frankly a modern miracle that you don’t have more Five of Swords-type weeks. These are the weeks when you feel at odds with others, or your less-than-complimentary opinions surface, or someone calls you. Conflict is inevitable. Take a deep breath, say sorry (mean it), and move on. Don’t dwell on things. An apology (mean it) can fix things fast.


You don’t mind doing things by yourself sometimes, Cancer. You like to do your own thing at your own pace. The Queen of Swords sees you immersed in a solo project this week, and you’re enjoying the solitude and control. Good for you—keep at it, because this whole project could be fulfilling, stimulating, and even lucrative. Go on, get started!


If you’re not being authentic, then you’re not going to the attract the people and opportunities you need, and you’ll end up feeling isolated or misunderstood. The Ace of Swords is a nudge to be yourself, say how you feel, be honest, and listen at least as much as you talk. Let people see the real you (you’re great!), and you’ll feel heard, valued, and like you belong.


Life can be tough sometimes, Virgo—especially for you! You’re such a perfectionist, and you’re so hard on yourself. Now, Strength is asking you to throw yourself a little appreciation party, because you survived this last year. Look back on your accomplishments, successes, and challenges. Take a moment to celebrate just how much you’ve grown stronger—and grown.


Leo, it’s time to face facts and realize that something you WANTED to work out is not really working out at all. It’s okay. It happens to all of us. The sooner you accept this isn’t working, the sooner you can transfer your precious talent and energy into something that WILL. The Eight of Cups is telling you that you should look elsewhere for success. Bigger and better prizes await.


Little do you know, Scorpio, but you’ve got ~an admirer~ (and yes, it could be a romantic thing, but it could also be a professional connection). The Three of Coins shows that you’ve been talked about in a good way recently, and someone nearby is ready to give you an exciting opportunity or invitation. Be visible, be open, and be ready to receive good news. Make sure those with influence get to see you this week, because someone has something waiting for you (which you WILL want).

You’re obsessed with all things astro. Same. Never miss a retrograde with Cosmo Unlocked.


You’re a busy bee this week, Sag, and it’s ALL happening in your world. It feels great. You love it when life is like this: Busy, active, bustling, noisy, lively and fun. Work is going well, your love life is hot, your friendships are buzzing, and ideas are flowing. The Two of Coins shows that you’re plugged into a source of high-frequency energy right now—you’re just vibing away, loving life. Keep the flow going, keep saying yes, and keep starting new things. It’s a great time for you.


It’s a tough card, the Three of Swords. It shows up when someone has hurt us, and we’re still reeling. Few would realize just how super-sensitive you really are, Cap, so this card could signal something that happened months ago. For some reason, you’re revisiting it. Use this review to spot the actions you can take to stop it happening again, whether it’s getting distance from someone, changing a habit, or recognizing that you’re getting in your own way. Take a life lesson from a painful event, and then focus on healing. It’s all in the past now.


Justice is a card that suits your socially conscious, humanitarian, and progressive nature. You want the world to be a better place, and you’ve got the moral compass and smarts to do it. So, go do your thing, Aquarius. Pick a cause you care about, and do something about it. Whether it’s donating time or resources, reading up on a something difficult, having a challenging conversation with someone…do your part this week. We need you on the case!


Peace and love, bb, that’s what makes the Piscean world go round. The Empress has a beautiful energy, reflecting all of the good things in life: Family, children, animals, nature, sex, creativity, cozy homes, and happy relationships. Take time to spruce up your nest, check in on loved ones, do the things that chill you out, and have a little creative project on the back burner. Look after yourself, Pisces, because the world can feel really hard and draining sometimes. You need to recharge and re-set.

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