This book comes highly recommended – but can you focus long enough to read it?

PSYCHOLOGY: Stolen Focus: Why You Can’t Pay Attention, Johann Hari, Bloomsbury, $32.99

You know that feeling when you consult Dr Google and your set of symptoms keeps coming up with increasingly scary diseases on each new tab? You know you shouldn’t keep searching, yet you do, especially at 2am. Eventually, one of Dr Google’s tabs turns out to have the right answers, but you need your real doctor to help you understand what you must do to recover.

Stolen Focus, the newest book by uber-controversial author Johann Hari, is like that. You scroll through the pages, recognising more and more about the disaster enveloping you. You acknowledge the internet has changed your brain, you find yourself and your symptoms on every page, but you know you will need more than Hari to save you.

Johann Hari’s book Stolen Focus delves into why we can no longer concentrate for long periods.Credit:

This is a good observation because Hari comes to us with a reputation besmirched. Now he’s about to arrive in Australia for the Sydney Writers’ Festival. The question of why an author who has behaved so unethically so many times still gets rewarded with multiple book deals and top billing festival fanfare will never be answered but maybe the enthusiastic consumption of entertaining, seamless non-fiction trumps any ethical considerations.

In 2011, Hari was suspended from The Independent for serial plagiarism. He fabricated quotes for stories and palmed off the work of others as his own. He maliciously edited the Wikipedia pages of those who criticised his work. He was stripped of his Orwell Prize when found out, and it’s still not clear if he repaid the money. Eventually, he apologised, although it wasn’t the kind of full-blooded apology you’d like to hear after such an exhausting schedule of misdeeds.


This time, so far, no apparent theft. In this latest book, Hari attributes widely and apparently well. The theme of fractured concentration is one with which I am pretty familiar (one might say, a living lab specimen) and so far, no one has come out to accuse him of plagiarism. Instead, he recycles everything we have read about the impact of the internet but does it with style and appropriate attribution, in the genre of “non-fiction book designed to answer contemporary questions without enough scientific evidence”. He makes a few eureka claims, including his “hunch that there’s a crisis” of concentration.

I always think of the word hunch to describe that perfect intersection of understanding context and intuiting what will come next. But this is no hunch. Researchers have worked on this exact hunch for years. Still, he takes us through how he stitches together a plausible story of our unravelling concentration, including a brief description of why multitasking is a myth, the cost of switching from one task to another.

An earnest visit to a professor here, privileged weeks of solitude away from distractions there. He has taken up where Nicholas Carr, the genius who in 2008 asked in The Atlantic, “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” left off when he wrote his 2010 book The Shallows (now with a 2020 edition). Many of the early responses to Carr’s groundbreaking work were, on the whole, banal but the answer then was yes and still is. Carr argued powerfully that the way we used the internet was changing our brains. Hari now sets out all the evidence but little of it is new.

If this has been a preoccupation of yours, you will be familiar with the, ahem, influencers: Sune Lehmann, professor at the Technical University of Denmark, whose work on social media and misinformation continues to break ground; Marcus Raichle, the scientist who brought us the concept of what our brains do when we are in a resting state, and BJ Fogg, his Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab and his many acolytes.

Despite multiple misgivings about this book, I truly recommend reading it. If you aren’t worried about your inability to read, to concentrate, to analyse and then to synthesise what you read and hear, it will prick your non-filtered bubble. If you are already worried, Hari’s latest will lead you to read more extensively beyond having a few more tabs open on your laptop.

And you might want to check out of your social accounts – at least for six hours at a time. Hari calls for an attention rebellion (an expression the use of which I can only find once before, selling a product to limit children’s internet usage) and for more sleep. I can get on board with both.

Johann Hari is a guest at Sydney Writers’ Festival.

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