This writer was gripped by a true story. Now he’s turned it into a prize winning book

Mick Cummins bumped into his neighbour a few weeks ago. The man knew that Cummins had been shortlisted for the Victorian Premier’s unpublished manuscript award so gave him a copy of previous winner Miles Allinson’s Fever of Animals.

“And there it was across the top, winner of the unpublished manuscript award, 2014,” Cummins said with glee.

The award has something of a Midas touch. Plenty of winners have gone on to great things in the literary world, so 69-year-old Cummins, who won this year’s award on Thursday, has some big shoes to fill. He gets $15,000 for his novel One Divine Night, but, more importantly, he stands an odds-on chance of seeing his work for sale in a bookshop in the not-too-distant future.

Mick Cummins says he could not shake off a tragic story he read in The Sunday Age.Credit:Joe Armao

When the shortlist was announced, a couple of publishers got in touch to ask for a copy of the manuscript to read. One got back to say they would wait and see the outcome of the awards. “I wasn’t actually aware of how influential the prize was. Until it started happening really.”

Cummins should consider the case of Graeme Simsion, who won the award for The Rosie Project – first published 10 years ago this week – which has sold several million copies. A few years after Simsion, Jane Harper won for The Dry, the crime novel that ushered in the outback-noir genre and was turned into a successful film starring Eric Bana. Others to have won the prize include inaugural winner Carrie Tiffany, Maxine Beneba Clarke, and Christian White.

One Divine Night was inspired by a story Cummins read in The Sunday Age.

“That must have been about 10 years ago now. It was about this young man who was abused by his grandfather who was fairly high up in government and so forth. The story just wouldn’t leave me and finally at the beginning of lockdown my partner said ‘well, why don’t you just write a novel’.”

Cummins cut it fine, entering the award the day before the deadline. He says his story follows his character, Aaron Peters, as he becomes estranged from his family, addicted to heroin, and living on the streets all while “wanting to be something, wanting his life without the pain, without the heroin. So the story really is about that journey”.

It’s not surprising that Cummins first wrote the novel as a screenplay. He got into the writing while doing social work with unemployed people in Hobart and acting in a play that broadcaster and author Sandy McCutcheon wrote for them.

“The whole thing was such a wonderful experience I decided I wanted to do this. I wrote Window Without a View, which was selected for a reading at the National Playwrights Conference. That was a bit of a boost, and it continued from there.” His second play, Perfect Madness, was staged at the Carlton Courthouse.

He shifted his attention from the stage to the small screen when he wrote the documentary Thomson of Arnhem Land about the anthropologist Donald Thomson, for which he won his first premier’s prize, the NSW Premier’s History Award in 2001. “No one remembers now that I won that,” he laments.

Since then, he has written two docudramas for the ABC, Monash: The Forgotten Anzac and Menzies and Churchill at War, and written and directed two further documentaries, The Woodcutter’s Son and Portrait of a Distant Land.

Although he rewrote One Divine Night as a novel, he hasn’t turned his back on film. His latest screenplay, The Hut, is in pre-production with an Irish company and Roar Films in Hobart.

“It’s set in Tasmania in 1853 just after the end of the Irish famine. It’s about a family escaping the famine really and becoming tenant farmers in Tasmania. It’s a bit of a tragic story, too.”

Cummins says after years of juggling social work and writing, the feeling of validation from winning the award has helped him decide to devote his time to writing.

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