Tot is nicknamed Jimmy Neutron because of his mane of thick hair

Baby, look at that hair! Adorable tot, eight months, is nicknamed Jimmy Neutron thanks to his thick mane

  • Claire Bell 32, from Glasgow, gave birth to little Mark Bell-Hallyburton in July 
  • She was shocked to discover he had a mane of jet black hair on his head 
  • Now eight months his hair has lightened and he’s compared to Jimmy Neutron 

An adorable tot who was born with an impressive mane of black hair has been nicknamed ‘Jimmy Neutron’.

Claire Bell 32, from Glasgow, was shocked to see a jet black mop of hair when she gave birth to little Mark Bell-Hallyburton in July last year.

But as time as gone on, Mark’s hair has lightened but continued to grow.

Claire, who works as a hair extension specialists, is often stopped by strangers who admire his locks and compare him to the cartoon character. 

Mark Bell-Hallyburton was born with a head full of hair. He is pictured with mum Claire Bell, 32

Mark Bell-Hallyburton, now eight months, with mum Claire Bell, his hair has now lightened but is just as thick and long

The adorable tot (left) with an impressive mane of hair is often compared to Jimmy Neutron (right)

Claire said: ‘My partner Mark, 33, who is a freight forwarder, and I were in total shock when we saw his hair.

‘None of us had thick hair as babies so we have no idea where it came from.

‘Obviously the midwife saw baby Mark before me and she said she’s got to stay until the end of her shift to see him.

‘And I thought ‘what is inside of me!’

‘Then when he arrived, more midwives came to have a look and they were singing Elvis Presley – All shook up.

‘It was so funny!’ 

Claire Bell 32, from Glasgow, was shocked to see a jet black mop of hair when she gave birth to little Mark Bell-Hallyburton in July last year. He is pictured now at 8 months


Claire, who works as a hair extension specialists, is often stopped by strangers who admire his locks and compare him to the cartoon character Jimmy Neutron

Now, eight months on, Mark’s hair almost touches his shoulders. It is no longer black and has turned mousy brown.

Now, eight months on, Mark’s hair almost touches his shoulders.

It is no longer black and has turned mousy brown.

Claire said: ‘It is ironic that I make women’s hair longer for a living and now my son has long locks.

‘It’s so thick too. 

Claire refuses to get his hair cut as it has become his trademark and is often stopped on the street

Hair’s looking at you, kid! The baby was born with black hair (pictured left and right) but it has lightened over time

‘I love it and so does everyone he meets.

‘Strangers always stop us to admire his hair.

‘We are very proud.

‘He has been compared to Jimmy Neutron and Sonic the hedgehog which is pretty funny.’

Claire refuses to get his hair cut as it has become his trademark. 

She adds: ‘I don’t want to get it cut as he looks too cute.

‘He doesn’t have a grooming regime yet, I just use baby shampoo and conditioner then give him a blow dry after the bath or swimming.

‘He loves it!’

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