Twins ask stepmum of 12 years to legally adopt them in sweet video

Identical twins Julianna and Gabriella Ruvolo went above and beyond with their Mother’s Day gift this year.

The twins, from New Jersey, asked their stepmum of 12 years to legally adopt them at the weekend – and the special moment was captured on video.

Julianna and Gabriella, aged 20, instantly felt a connection with Becky when their dad, Pete, introduced them to her more than a decade ago.

Their dad had met her while working in the restaurant industry and the pair started dating shortly after.

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A few months into their romance he introduced her to his two eight-year-old daughters – and it wasn’t long before the twins started calling Becky ‘mum.’

Then after marrying in 2013, the couple welcomed two sons Carmine and Salvatore – completing their family of six.

With Becky being a mother figure to them for more than a decade, Julianna and Gabriella decided this year was the perfect time to ask her to legally adopt them.

In the video, the twins can be seen giving Becky a book filled with pictures of family holidays and outings over the years.

But the final page reads: ‘Mum, will you adopt us?’

When Becky reads the note, she’s overwhelmed with emotions and hugs her daughters.

The 37-year-old stay-at-home mum says: ‘It was the best gift a mum could ask for and I can’t put in to words how special that moment was for me.

‘It’s all I’ve ever wanted for as long as I can remember, but I wanted to let the girls make the decision by themselves, in their own time.

‘We are now undergoing the formal adoption process, and I couldn’t be happier about it.

‘The video is something we’ll cherish forever and we’re so excited that we get to share it with the world.’

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