Victoria’s state budget relies on Tim Pallas’ pipe dream

In his budget speech on Tuesday Victorian Treasurer Tim Pallas asked people to conduct a thought experiment.

“Jump ahead”, he told parliament, and picture the world at the end of the four-year budget period.

“The year is 2026. The Commonwealth Games is on, with excited tourists on our streets and a buzz throughout the state. We’re catching trains through the Metro Tunnel, marvelling at its five new underground stations before we emerge into a bustling, lively city. The State Budget is back in surplus.”

Treasurer Tim Pallas delivers the budget speech on Tuesday,Credit:Joe Armao

Pallas likes to refer to himself as a “committed pessimist” who is often pleasantly surprised.

But here was the treasurer describing a utopian future Victoria, with state’s in surplus (precisely by $652 million), the city once again thronging, commuters funnelling seamlessly through new underground train and road tunnels.

Patients, Pallas said, will be getting the best care possible in top-notch new hospitals, children will be learning in “state of the art” schools and apprentices “hard at work building the Suburban Rail Loop”, among other things.

It’s hard not to be a bit cynical. Budgets are undeniably useful. Of course, it is prudent to make judgements about how best to pay for a government’s policy agenda and try to make some educated guesses about what might happen.

But really, how much store should be put in predictions that stretch four years into the future? If past performance is anything to go by, the answer is, not much at all.

Four years ago, for example, how did we think 2022 would pan out? In 2018, we were told the budget would surplus this financial year by a solid $2.9 billion, with net debt equivalent to just 6 per cent of the state economy and in a “steady as she goes” continuation of the state’s long economic boom.

How differently reality turned out. It would be grossly unfair to blame treasury or anyone else for failing to predict the worst pandemic for a century. But this does not change that its predictions were entirely wrong. That’s the point, things happen.

Far from a continuation of the long boom, the state economy in fact went into reverse (in 2020-21), experiencing the sharpest contraction in real terms for 29 years.

Having been forced by the pandemic to ramp spending (and borrowing) to historically high levels, this financial year the government is expecting to record a $17.6 billion deficit, with net debt equivalent to 19.8 per cent of the economy. That’s even higher than the recession of the early 1990s, when net debt peaked at 16.1 per cent.

The interest bill is still relatively low (averaging 6 per cent of total revenue over the next four years), but that could quickly change if interest rates rise more rapidly than expected.

Even before the pandemic, treasury’s track record at making predictions was sketchy. In Pallas’ first budget, in May 2015, for example, Treasury predicted a surplus of $1.8 billion for 2018-19, with net debt equivalent to just 4.4 per cent of the state economy.

As it turned out, net debt was more than a full percentage point higher, at 5.5 per cent, while the actual surplus was about 22 per cent smaller, at $1.4 billion.

The one thing that can be safely counted on is that the rather precise prediction of a $652 million surplus in 2025-26 will turn out to be utterly wrong.

In the next six months, as we head towards the November 26 election, there will be billions of dollars of new spending announcement to add to the bottom line. The government has already buried in the budget $2.3 billion worth of unannounced election campaign promises as “contingencies”.

By mid-2026 we could well be referring to the “Allan government” or the “Merlino government” (or perhaps by some quirk of fate it will be the “Guy government”). By then the government will be gearing up for the November 2026 election.

Then there are a huge number of forces that influence the budget that are beyond the government’s control. Treasury is well aware of this, which is why it spends a whole section of the budget discussing the risks.

And right now, as Treasury itself puts it, the risks are higher than normal. “Risks to Victoria’s economic outlook remain greater than normal and the forecasts are subject to a higher degree of uncertainty,” it warns in the budget.

What if, for example, there is a new deadly COVID-19 variant? What if there’s an escalation of the conflict in the Ukraine, pushing oil and food prices even higher, adding to Australia’s inflation and interest rates woes?

According to Treasury’s own budget estimates, a serious COVID outbreak that forced Australia to once again shut its borders would on its own add an extra $2.3 billion to the state’s net debt by mid-2026.

The government says it has a strategy to pay down the state’s debts, with a Victorian future fund that will build up to about $10 billion over the medium term using cash from the sale of VicRoads’ number plate and rego business.

But that’s a long way off, with little sign it will make a material difference to the state’s debt levels by 2026, which are by then expected to rise to a record (in modern history), equivalent to 26.5 per cent of the economy.

So before anyone gets too optimistic and cracks open a case of “back in black” mugs, we might need to take a deep breath.

Josh Gordon is acting state political editor.

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