LOUIS Theroux has released a now crime doc exploring the infamous White House Farm Murders on SKY.
Jeremy Bamber has spent years denying the murder of his parents who were shot and killed inside their farmhouse along with their adopted daughter, Sheila Caffell.
With new evidence and a further investigation, let's take a look at who the parents of this mass murderer were…
Who were Nevill and June Bamber?
Nevill and June were the parents of mass murderer Jermey Bamber.
Born June 8 1924, Nevill was a former RAF pilot and magistrate and his wife June was born June 3 1994. Both were aged 61 when they died.
The pair married in 1949 and moved into the Georgian White House Farm on Pages Lane, which was set amongst 300 acres of farmland that had belonged to June’s father.
According to The Court of Appeal, they described Nevill as “a well-built man, 6 feet 4 inches tall and in good physical health”. This information became crucial in the conviction as Jeremy’s defiance suggested his daughter Sheila was able to beat and suede him.
When did the Bambers adopt Jeremy and Sheila?
Unable to have biological children, the couple adopted Sheila and Jeremy when they were babies.
The couple gave the children a good home and both were privately educated.
Sheila fell pregnant at 17 but both parents arranged for her to get an abortion.
This is apparently when June and Sheila’s relationship went downhill, especially after she was caught sunbathing naked with her boyfriend Colin.
It’s reported that June started calling Sheila the “Devil's child”, which was Sheila's belief that she had been possessed by the devil.
Sheila was diagnosed with schizoaffective disease two years before her death.
Did June Bamber suffer from depression?
June suffered from depression after the adoption of both Jeremy and Sheila.
In the 1950s she was admitted to a psychiatric hospital where she received electroshock therapy sixt times.
In 1982, Hugh Ferguson, a psychiatrist began to treat June, who later on began to treat Sheila too.
How did June and Nevill meet?
After the war June returned to being a secretary where she met Nevill.
The pair fell in love and bought their first home, a cottage in Wash Lane.
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