Why this weekend’s powerful Flower Moon is so significant

Written by Amy Beecham

Set your alarms early on Monday 16 May to catch a glimpse of the eclipse and Flower Moon.

Another month brings with it another moon cycle, and May’s Flower Moon is particularly special.

According to BBC’s Science Focus, the name ‘Flower Moon’ derives from the many flowers, especially wildflowers, that bloom in abundance during May.

However, on Sunday 16 May, it will also bring with it a total lunar eclipse, and a so-called ‘Blood Moon’. The eclipse is set to happen in the early hours before dawn, when the Moon is low on the horizon, and the Moon will take on an increasingly red colour as it approaches totality.

May’s Flower Moon total lunar eclipse will be will be visible in portions of the Americas, Antarctica, Europe, Africa and the east Pacific, per Space.com. A partial eclipse will be visible to sky watchers in New Zealand, eastern Europe and the Middle East.

On Sunday 15 May from London, the Flower Moon will rise at 8:10pm from the east-southeast and set at 5:10am the next morning in the west-southwest, according to Science Focus. The Flower Moon will then reach peak illumination at 5:14am on the morning of Monday 16 May.

If you’re wanting to catch a glimpse of the eclipse and blood moon too, set your alarms. In the UK, totality occurs at 4:29am on Monday morning, but weather permitting, early risers will be rewarded with a bright copper-red Moon before it sinks below the horizon at 5:06am.

What does the Flower Moon mean for me?

May’s supermoon eclipse is taking place in the constellation Libra, the only one of the Zodiac constellations to represent an object rather than a person or character.

According to Space.com, the constellation was long associated with harmony, balance, and justice. However, many now see it as a ripe time for seizing opportunity, taking risks and seeing sacrifices pay off.

“Now is the time to fertilise the seeds of our dreams,” says @thelightforall on Instagram.

“The Flower Moon is sometimes referred to as the Mother’s Moon, referencing fertility and growth.”

According to @thestarseedwitch_, the Flower Moon also promotes abundance, gratitude, romance and fun.

Joy⁠, self love⁠, opportunities⁠, releasing pain⁠ and things that are meant for you⁠ are all said to be associated with the Flower Moon.

Images: Getty

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