Woman gobsmacked as husband tells colleagues shes a sex worker when shes not

Let's face it, we've all made the mistake of forgetting little facts about one another.

Jobs are difficult to remember, especially when people don't really discuss their work life as much.

But when you're in a marriage, surely you have to know what your other half does for a living.

Now one woman was left utterly shocked when she found out her husband told his work pals her job was something else.

Writing on parenting forum Mumsnet, she asked other users whether their partners were just as stupid as hers.

It all happened when her husband told his colleagues that she was a "sex worker", when in fact, she's a sexual health advisor.

She wrote: "I went out for dinner last night with a bunch of my husband's work colleagues who I've not met before.

"We all got on great but I could tell there was a weird vibe between me and them. Do you want to know why?

"My job is a sexual health advisor. Turns out when asked what I do he's been telling people I'm a sex worker.

"He actually thought that's what sex worker meant. Thankfully I've put everyone straight and the weird tension eased.

"But omg what a bloody idiot. Am I being unreasonable to think he wins the stupid man award?"

After reading the woman's post, many responded to let her know how hilarious the situation was, even though she wasn't laughing.

One said: "Omg that is a hilarious mistake."

Another user added: "I'm sorry, I hope the night was much easier after you set them straight!

"If it helps, my husband couldn't even tell you what I do for a job."

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Others shared their own similar experiences, as one admitted: "My son told his entire school at assembly that I make adult movies.

"I'm a boring marketing manager who sometimes makes boring videos. That was fun."

Have you had a similar situation happen to you? Let us know in the comments section below!

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