Woman shares snaps taken before goth makeover – when she was sad and lonely

A woman mistaken for being “evil” for the way she presents herself has shared an unrecognisable old photo – and says it reflects how sad and lonely she felt.

Retail worker Europa Box has dressed as a goth since she was a teenager – but she recently showed her 21,000 Instagram followers what she looked like before the extreme makeup and black clothes.

The now 25-year-old unveiled the before and after photos as part of a social media 10-year challenge.

Afterwards a fan replied: “Iconic transformation.”

One comment read: “The glow up to beat all glow ups" and another said: “You will be my example.”

Meanwhile a user wrote: “You look and looked so beautiful at both times.”

Europa then spoke to the Daily Star about her transformation in the last decade – saying she only found happiness after embracing being a goth.

She said: “I think I looked cute back then, but I was also very insecure and unsure about myself and my style at that age. Honestly, when I see old pictures of myself, I think about how sad, lonely and lost that person was.

“I think about how I wish I was more comfortable with myself back then. I'm so much happier now, I feel like I've found myself and am living authentically and being true to myself.”

Europa, from Palm Bay, Florida, added: “I shared the picture for fun honestly and just to see how my style evolved since I was a teenager.

“The reaction I think was positive, I also think people were surprised to see me with eyebrows and what not.”

Europa recently took part in an experiment where she turned into a glam girl for an eye-popping makeover.

Her boyfriend hated the transformation and Europa spoke about why her goth-inspired style meant so much to her.

She said: “Being goth is very important to me, it brings me comfort and confidence I wouldn't have otherwise.

“It's just who I am as a person, I wouldn't be myself with it.”

And explaining the best things about it, she added: “I love wearing black and the laundry is so much easier.

“In all seriousness, I love the darkness of it. It makes me feel beautiful and makeup is a passion of mine.

“Getting to draw on my eyebrows into whatever I want is too much fun.”

Despite being comfortable with her unique image, there are downsides.

Europa opened up about how some strangers stare at her in the street and judge her solely based on her appearance.

One elderly woman once said she was surprised Europa didn’t sound more like a “killer” and was taken aback by how “kind” her voice was.

She remembered: “I laughed at it but it’s unfortunate that people would make the assumption that I'd be mean just due to my appearance. It’s just a style of clothing, and appearance means absolutely nothing when it comes to how nice or mean someone is.

“There are plenty of days when I leave the house with even no makeup on and I still get glared at.

“Some reactions are, ‘It’s not Halloween yet’ or, ‘It’s the Addams family’ but more often than not I encounter sweet people that give me compliments on my look.”

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