Your Aries Monthly Horoscope for March

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Say hello to March, you confident Aries! As you wade through the waves of Pisces season, you find yourself in a more reflective space, eager for more privacy and solitude. First, though, your career and reputation are top of mind at the start of the month, when Venus and Mars meet with Pluto on March 3. Some seedier dynamics in relationships and within your career may surface. Pluto represents the taboo and what lies beneath the surface. It’s a time to confront shadow sides and power struggles that have gone unchecked for too long. Power is palpable, and you’re yearning for it.

On March 6, both Venus and Mars leave Capricorn behind and enter the eclectic sign of Aquarius. You’re driven and motivated by your friendships and community at this time. Networking can be extra beneficial under this influence. Don’t beat yourself up if you feel an energetic drain on March 13, when the Sun forms its annual conjunction with Neptune, the planet of spirituality and illusion. This is an incredibly psychically charged time, so prioritize rest. A few days later, the Full Moon in Virgo on March 18 will remind you to find a better work-life balance. Don’t sacrifice yourself for your day job.

It’s your time to shine on March 20 as the Sun enters your sign! Happy freaking birthday, Aries! You’ll charge ahead into your season eager to pursue passion projects and recommit to focusing on yourself. Be mindful and patient on March 22 as Mars, your planetary ruler, forms a tense angle with Uranus, the planet of surprise and sudden outbursts. Repressed anger and frustration can reach an all-time high, so be thoughtful before acting. This reactive energy can have you regretting some decisions later.

On March 27, Mercury, the planet of the mind, enters your sign and reminds you to focus on your needs and heart’s desires. You close out the month with a New Moon in Aries on March 31, which invites you to start over fresh. Shed what’s no longer serving you and move forward in alignment with a more authentic version of yourself.

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