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October is here, and you’re ready to carve some pumpkins, Cancer! The month starts out with the stars shining on both your public and personal life on October 1 as Venus in Libra sits across the sky from Jupiter in Aries. Harmony is restored to your home, or perhaps you’ve finally completed a DIY project. If you’ve been hoping for a promotion, news may arrive soon. Matters within your family also start to clear up, and any remaining tension begins to subside. The good news continues on October 2 when Mercury finally goes direct in Virgo! If you’ve been sorting through misunderstandings with siblings or extended family, anew understanding is reached.
The Full Moon in Aries on October 9 brings some drama to the workplace! Issues that need to be sorted out will be highlighted. This could be the closing of a chapter—perhaps you’re moving on from your current role, or wrapping up a big project you’ve been working on. Whatever it is, changes are happening in your working environment. At the same time, you may also be experiencing some shifts at home and within your private life, too. Mercury re-enters Libra on October 10, and your mental energy begins to flow toward your home and living environment. If you’re looking to find new roommates, now is the time to put out some feelers. You may also be dealing with family matters, or simply spending more time with loved ones.
It can feel like someone is looking out for you on October 18 when Venus in Libra mingles with Mars in Gemini. Some good news arrives, or perhaps you’re just enjoying some rest. Today is a day to focus on healing and solitude. Prioritize whatever lights you up. Clashes between family and your partner or someone of importance in your life culminate on October 19 when the Sun and Venus, both in Libra, collide with Pluto in Capricorn. It’s a battle of egos and will. It might feel toxic, but today is a powerful day to confront topics that have been avoided for far too long. Healing can take place if both parties are willing to be vulnerable.
A new beginning around home and family takes place on October 22 when the Sun and Venus, both in Libra, meet at the same exact point in the sky. When Venus sits in the heart of the Sun, this is a moment of calmness and clarity. You may reach a new understanding around family or home matters.
The cosmic weather shifts dramatically on October 23 when the Sun and Venus enter Scorpio. You’re ready for some fall fun! Dedicate your time to pursuing pleasure. If you’re looking to expand your family, this could be a time to start conversations around family planning or adding a fur baby to your home. You’re ready for more risks and romance in your daily life, and you’re feeling more carefree.
Cosmo Merch: Cancer
A New Moon and solar eclipse in Scorpio on October 25 re-actives themes related to children, creativity, pleasure, and romance. Eclipses bring about fated events, and matters you’ve been considering for sometime are starting to pick up momentum. This could signal a decision around having children, the start of a life-changing creative project, or a desire to reconnect with pleasure. Exploring your sexuality and desires is also an important theme.
Jupiter, the planet of luck and abundance, re-enters Pisces on October 27. You may be signing up for school or a class, be recognized for your skill in your field, or experience luck in the publishing or broadcasting world. This is also major get-out-of-town energy–so if the timing and resources allow, book a vacation! Difficult conversations with loved ones unfold on the same day as Mercury in Libra clashes with Pluto in Capricorn. Whatever’s been brushed under the rug resurfaces. The best use of this energy is to be open and honest. Your feelings are valid and worthy of expression.
When Mars Retrograde begins in Gemini on October 30, you’re spending a lot of time reflecting on your behaviors, habits, and the past. What lives in your subconscious? How does it affect your daily life? Mars will remain in Gemini until March 2023, and this period of time encourages you reconnect with spiritual practices and your health. Use your intuition to decide which connections in your life are genuine, and which would benefit from some boundaries.
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