Your February 22, 2021 Weekly Horoscope Is Here & It’s So Empowering

The astrological energy is pushing you toward success this week. It all begins on Feb. 24, when courageous Mars forms a trine with transformative Pluto, helping you get back up whenever you’ve been knocked down and try again. Instead of letting your mistakes discourage you, let them strengthen you. Instead of letting obstacles inhibit you, let them motivate you. Your February 22, 2021 weekly horoscope can push you all the way to the top if you want it to.

By Feb. 25, you might feel a sparkling shift in the cosmos. This is when affectionate and luxurious Venus will enter Pisces, flushing the universe in romance, enchantment, and energy that is simply to die for. Venus is exalted when it’s in Pisces, meaning that Venus is enhanced and emboldened. This makes Venus in Pisces a time for falling in love, immersing yourself in poetry, and exploring the contents of your heart and your imagination. Feb. 25 is also when the sun in Pisces will form a sextile with eccentric and individualistic Uranus, encouraging you to follow the beat of your own drum and own your authenticity a little bit more deeply.

If you’ve been feeling aimless and confused about what your purpose is, you might find some clarity by Feb. 26. Expansive Jupiter will form a trine with the North Node of Destiny in Gemini, which will guide you toward what has always been meant for you. Serendipitous situations and chance encounters could leave you feeling so much more sure of the path you’re currently embarking on. Let the universe carry you toward your destination.

The week ends with a brilliant full moon in practical, analytical, and health-oriented Virgo on Feb. 27. Let it bring a deeper focus to your self-care regimens and the amount of time and effort you spend on your mental and physical wellbeing. A full moon in Virgo is also a powerful opportunity to explore the inner reaches of your mind and rejuvenate your thought process. After all, Virgo is ruled by Mercury — planet of communication — so let this full moon highlight the way you process and interpret information.


There is so much energy conspiring to increase your income and further your professional name this week. Don’t shy away from lofty financial goals and don’t be afraid to demand compensation you deserve. However, in order to achieve your goals, you must be willing to put in the work. This week, revelations about the way you spend your time and how you plan out your daily schedule will help you along.


You have the power to engage in so much personal growth this week. This is not just about your career goals, but your spiritual ones too. Who are you? How do you see the world? What do you want to get out of this life? Let the motto "carpe diem" guide you forward. Life is so much more than work and accomplishments. It’s also about squeezing every last drop out of every single moment. Live in the present.


Pay attention to what is on your mind and what’s happening to you this week. Chances are, you’ll have an encounter with destiny. So much is out of your control in this life, so embrace the idea that the best that lies ahead cannot be planned. Spontaneous opportunities will take you where you’re supposed to be. What you’re searching for may not be as far away as you think. Pay attention to what’s close to you; to what you may be neglecting.


A relationship is bursting with volatile yet significant energy this week. There’s nothing wrong with encountering conflict with a partner, as this could serve to strengthen your bond and deepen your connection. In fact, an important conversation could take place this week. If there’s something on your mind or something you need to talk about, it may be time. You’re ready to know the truth, so dig deeper for it.


You may be feeling competitive as this week begins. Whether you’re taking a game very seriously or you’re finally ready to enlist yourself in a competition, you’ve got a lot of warrior energy on your side, so use it for good. However, separating your ego from your wins will get you far. A revelation about your self-esteem and sense of self-worth is coming into fruition. Let your self-love settle deeply into your heart.


This week is providing you with a burst of creative energy. Experiment with different mediums of self-expression and invite more color into your universe. This isn’t about creating art that is perfect, it’s about developing a more artistic aspect of your life. This week comes with a powerful full moon in your name that may bring you deeper insight about who you are and where you are headed at this time.


You may be dealing with a lot of baggage in your home environment or your family dynamic. However, this week, you can transform the most sacred corner of your world by embracing what’s come and gone. It’s time to embrace the future and give your heart a chance to adjust to the idea of something new. Letting go is not easy, and there may be a part of you that wants to linger in the past. But the future is bright.


Communication can bring you so much closer to someone in your life this week. If you’ve been dealing with conflict or combative energy with someone you want to mend things with, taking the time to be honest about what’s on your mind and take accountability for your part in it will get you far. This week, you may find yourself growing apart with some while you grow closer to others. This is part of your journey.


There is so much expansive energy surrounding your relationships this week. In fact, you may find yourself meeting someone new or deepening your connection with people who make you feel as though you were fated to meet them. There is also a powerful moment culminating in your career this week. You may develop a clearer understanding of how you can compete even harder to achieve your goals.


You may feel a strong desire to let loose and have fun this week. You may have been feeling cooped up and inhibited in your creative expression, driving your need for self-expression and pleasure. Find balance in this desire. As you look deeper into your heart and your needs, you’ll find a deeper understanding of your life philosophy and your perspective of your world. Keep an open mind.


This week, you might find yourself being pulled toward love, romance, and creation. The cosmos are encouraging you to open your heart and let go of the fear that may be standing in your way of truly experiencing your life and harnessing your gifts. By resisting your talents and your capacity of love, you only serve to distance yourself from yourself. Get to know who you are by embracing your need for love.


What is your dream? What mark do you want to leave on the world? This week, your vision of an improved reality may be bursting in your imagination, pushing you to fight injustice and embrace the courage it takes to make this world a better place. The people you will be fighting with may also make themselves known this week as revelations about your relationships come into being. Let it help you grow closer to those who share your vision.

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