Your Horoscope for the Week of February 21

Overview: When you think of change, do you have hope? Monday’s Mars-Pluto trine helps stabilize your power within so you can make meaningful changes. Venus enters Pisces on Thursday, where it stays until March 21, making us more tender, heart-centered, and soulful in romance. A Full Moon in Virgo late on Friday night offers us healing of the mind and body along with the heart and soul.

Read your Sun/Rising horoscope:


You’re the MVP, Aries! Monday’s Mars-Pluto trine showcases your talent and leadership at work. Venus enters Pisces on Thursday, giving your romantic relationships closure, forgiveness, and even apologies. A Full Moon in Virgo on Friday inspires you to commit to a routine, strategy, or behavior that optimizes your mental and physical wellbeing.


Have faith, Taurus! Monday’s Mars-Pluto trine wants you to believe in yourself for positive change. Venus enters your Pisces-ruled friendship zone on Thursday, blurring the lines between lover and friend. Friday’s Full Moon in Virgo lights up your confidence, creativity, and self-esteem sector. See yourself as worthy of all that you want!


It’s okay to be imperfect, Gemini. Monday’s Mars-Pluto trine highlights some lessons you’ll want to take with you. Venus enters your Pisces-ruled career zone on Thursday, harmonizing your relationships with colleagues. Friday’s Full Moon in Virgo brings up tender feelings around “home” and “family,” so give yourself permission to feel all your feels!


Friendship is everything, Cancer! Monday’s Mars-Pluto trine wants you to balance your crew with your romances. Venus enters your Pisces-ruled intelligence zone on Thursday, making the smartest suitors = the sexiest. Friday’s Full Moon in Virgo helps you think about how a detailed approach to language can help you be heard!

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It’s the little things, Leo! Monday’s Mars-Pluto trine frames your morning routine as a key indicator of professional success. Venus enters your Pisces-ruled intimacy and authenticity zone on Thursday, inspiring more vulnerability for passion. A Full Moon in Virgo on Friday lights up your income and values zone, clarifying your contexts for personal and financial security.


You got this, Virgo! Monday’s Mars-Pluto trine has you feeling confident enough to make major changes. Venus enters your Pisces-ruled romance sector on Thursday, inspiring you to find chemistry across contrast and expansion through differences. Your annual Full Moon on Friday is a cosmic reset; you’ll be feeling powerful, intelligent, and ready for anything.


It’s okay to self-disclose, Libra! Monday’s Mars-Pluto trine inspires vulnerability because it’s safe to do so. Venus enters your Pisces-ruled wellness and routine zone on Thursday, inspiring a more soulful approach to your self-care. A Full Moon in your Virgo-ruled closure zone this weekend inspires you to let go of all things that stop you from becoming your highest self.


Ask more questions, Scorpio! Monday’s Mars-Pluto trine inspires you to get curious about your romantic partners. Venus enters your Pisces-ruled confidence and glamour zone on Thursday, empowering you to feel whole and courageous. A Full Moon in your Virgo-ruled friendship zone on Friday wants to safely reunite you with your closest comrades.


Feeling centered, Sag? Monday’s Mars-Pluto trine has you moving happily at a more mindful place. Venus enters your Pisces-ruled home and family zone on Thursday, beautifying your relationship with family and helping you claim emotional safety. A Full Moon in your Virgo-ruled career zone this Friday is sure to bring the desired changes to your professional life!


Beginner’s mind, Cap? Monday’s Mars-Pluto trine has you trying something new with strong results. Venus enters your Pisces-ruled cognition and communication sector on Thursday, helping your fluency in nonverbal language. A Full Moon in your Virgo-ruled exploration zone this weekend wants you to follow your curiosities to new, intelligent, and exciting places!


You can let go now, Aquarius. Monday’s Mars-Pluto trine helps you release a limiting belief or emotion. Venus enters your Pisces-ruled income and security zone on Thursda,. empowering your financial literacy. A Full Moon in your Virgo-ruled intimacy and sexuality sector this weekend wants you to safely pursue pleasure for pleasure’s sake!


Happy Birthday, Pisces! Monday’s Mars-Pluto trine has you connecting with your friends. Venus enters your sign on Thursday, making you the most irresistible and romantically favored of them all. Fall in love with love again! Especially under Friday’s Full Moon in Virgo, which invites, deepens, or completes romantic dynamics for you.

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