Your Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope for October

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You’re always in high demand during Libra season, Sagittarius! The month starts out with a blessing on October 1 when Venus in Libra sits across the sky from Jupiter in Aries. A wish or dream may be granted. If you’ve been building community in a new area of your life, you may be making some life-long connections. Focusing on your friendships and embracing social settings will bring more luck your way. Mercury Retrograde finally ends on October 2, and you’re feeling more confident about the direction you’re heading in your life. If work or career has been causing you some grief over the past few weeks, you now see a sustainable path ahead.

The Full Moon in Aries on October 9 is cause for celebration! It’s time to let loose and bring more pleasure and play into your life. If you’re coupled up, planning a romantic date with your beloved could bring the spark you’re searching for. You’re ready to soak up new experiences and take risks. If you’re dating, this Full Moon could signal a shift in your relationship status. Are you ready to make it official, or call it quits and get back on the dating apps? Mercury re-enters Libra on October 10 and you’re spending your mental energy focused on your inner circle. Who are you building community with? You’re craving a little extra social time. If you have a wish you’re hoping to manifest, don’t be afraid to ask around. Someone may be able to help bring your dream to life.

Tension escalates within your partnership on October 11 when Mars in Gemini collides with Neptune in Pisces. Your vision of a shared future with a partner may not be entirely accurate. Today, confusion is in the air, and it can easily stir up anxieties and paranoia. This isn’t a day to hash everything out. A piece of the puzzle is missing and confrontations can lead to more confusion. Do yourself a favor and pause before chasing down a solution. Supportive energy flows on October 18 when Venus in Libra meets with Mars in Gemini. Collaborations and connections that are made under this planetary pairing are beneficial. Someone in your network could help you land a contract of your dreams!

The Sun and Venus, both in Libra, meet at the same point in the sky on October 22. Pay attention to people you meet and spend time with today, as these connections can bring clarity and assistance your way. It’s possible you’ve made a new lifelong friend.

Cosmo Merch: Sagittarius

You’ve been go-go-go, and it’s time to slow down on October 23 when the Sun and Venus enter Scorpio. It’s Scorpio season 2022! You could benefit from saying no and honoring your boundaries. Remember that rest is necessary to spark inspiration. Don’t overdo it. This is also a very reflective period and may also have you feeling a little nostalgic. You’re closing up a chapter of your life before a new one begins. It’s almost your season, so rest up now before the real party starts!

A New Moon and solar eclipse in Scorpio on October 25 delivers a life-changing message. You may be exploring a new spiritual practice. Whatever signs and communication come through today, there is a fated element that can spark inspiration. This eclipse is also a reminder to check in on your work-life balance. If you’re veering too far in one direction, an adjustment is required. You may also feel called to start healing past pain. Jupiter re-enters Pisces on October 27 and a dash of luck and optimism arrives in your home and family life. If you’re thinking of purchasing or renovating property, Jupiter’s influence can bring good news. This is generally a harmonious time between you and your loved ones.

On the same day, Mercury in Libra clashes with Pluto in Capricorn. Your words have power and influence, and tensions are running high. You may find yourself in the middle of a a conflict within one of your communities or friend groups. Perhaps their values don’t align with yours, but rather than addressing it, you’ve been avoiding it for some time. Whatever has gone unaddressed must be unearthed today. Conversations can be healing if both parties choose to show up authentically.

Mars, the planet of action and anger, stations retrograde in Gemini on October 30. Conflicts and tension can come up in the sector of your chart that rules relationships. This is a period of revision and refinement. Have you been putting too much energy into your relationships, or not enough? Are there any issues you’d like to address? Now’s the time. Confront any conflicts now so you can have a sustainable and healthy future.

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