You've been using paper towel wrong your whole life

You’ve been using paper towel wrong your whole life: Home cook’s kitchen trick wows thousands

  • A home cook showed people the right way to use a metal paper towel holder
  • She hooks it on a cabinet to create a hanging paper towel rack

Home cooks have discovered the ‘right’ way to store their paper towel holders – and the ‘genius’ hack has been hailed a ‘lifesaver’.

A young woman got sick of storing her metal paper towel holder on her kitchen counter because the device took up too much space.

The kitchen gadget is typically conjoined with a metal rod that can be used to tear towels off – but the woman found an even better use for it.

She hooked the protruding end over a cabinet and created a make-shift hanging paper towel roll.

Many usually just tear off the towels instead of using the extra stand, so they were glad to find a handy use for it.  

Home cooks have discovered a new way to store their paper towel holders – and the ‘genius’ hack has been hailed a ‘lifesaver’

The woman revealed the hack in a now-viral video, and thousands are stunned.

‘This is so smart,’ said one man. 

‘Very clever – but would only work if you used it on a shelf or cabinet without doors,’ another added.

A woman wrote: ‘I wish I knew this earlier, it’s so helpful for storage space as well.’

‘No way, my whole life is a lie,’ said another dramatically.

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Recently, many also realised that there was another way to use their potato peeler that halves the time spent slaving over spuds.

Jenn, a chef from the US, recently shared her ‘fun kitchen hack’, showing how cooks can use the peeler’s loose blade to glide the instrument up and down potatoes.

While most users typically peel down a strip of potato skin and start again from the top, they could have been swiveling the blade in both directions with ease.

Using the peeler properly could save you precious time while prepping vegetables before cooking a meal.

Jenn, a chef from the US, recently shared a ‘fun kitchen hack’ that brought many out of the dark when it came to using a potato peeler

Jenn made a video where she showed her followers how to properly use their peelers.


How do you peel potatoes?

How do you peel potatoes?

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‘Did you know the reason why potato peelers swivel back and forth is so that you can not only go down, but forward when you’re peeling, so that you can peel the entire thing super fast?’ she asked. 

‘You don’t have to actually lift up the peeler off of the vegetable.’

Most usually just assumed their cheap potato peeler was flimsy, but the shaky blade was designed with a purpose in mind.

Many were left shocked after watching Jenn’s video.

‘I always got mad because I thought mine was just loose,’ a woman wrote.

‘I’m done with being an adult – am I doing anything right?’ 

‘This is why we need cooking classes back in high school. How am I just finding out about this now at 26?’

Did you know? #kitchengadgets

A few were concerned that the hack could cause people to hurt themselves because of the smoother motion – but Jenn soon put their minds at ease.

‘It’s literally impossible to cut yourself by doing it my way because you’re never really lifting the blade off of the potato, so you’re not actually putting the blade in a position to cut you.’

She instead argued: ‘But if you do it in the old way, you pick the blade up, you put it back down, you pick it up, put it down – it gives you an opportunity to accidentally miss and cut your skin.’

The chef also suggested an alternate way for clumsy people  

‘If you are a klutz in the kitchen or just completely terrified, you can use a fork to hold the potato still while you’re doing it and so your skin is not in the way at all.’

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