Paul OGrady breaks silence after heart-warming response to career announcement

Paul O'Grady has recently been spotted at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show and fans have been sharing their delight at his return to the airwaves.

The BBC Radio 2 star shared a picture from the show on his Instagram, after returning to the radio on Sunday for the first time in months.

The 66-year-old wrote: "No, I haven’t got a stall flogging flowers, I’m at the Chelsea Flower Show. I look like I’ve been up to something on this photo but I can assure you I haven’t.

"I kept getting asked by the press if I was into gardening but I had to come clean and admit that if I go into a garden centre the plants wilt with fear in case I buy them.

"Great day though, hooked up with some of my favourite people and couldn’t believe the stunning garden designs and the most beautiful flowers that could only have been grown by a magician."

Fans were quick to comment on the snap, sharing their happiness over Paul's return.

One person wrote: "Fabulous to hear you back on Radio 2! Been a life long fan of yours since I saw you live as Lilly, you took the mick out of me for wearing thigh boots."

Another said: "Gorgeous Paul, hi from Cumbria. So glad to hear you and Malcom bk on the Radio again. Our Sundays are bk to normal again."

One fan commented: "Looking well Paul. Great to have you back on radio2 yesterday."

Paul and Malcolm are currently hosting a new series on BBC Radio 2, which started on Sunday, May 22.

The show will run for 13 weeks and will feature some classic guests and popular segments.

Fan favourites such as Tripled from Pet Shop Boys and Smokey Robinson will be making an appearance throughout the series.

Paul will also bring back previous hits like Movie of the Week, Classy Classical and Lost TV Themes.

The show will run on Sundays from 5-7pm.

Earlier in the year, Paul O'Grady on the Wireless was taken off the air.

At the time, he took to Instagram to say: "It’s my last Radio2 Sunday show for quite sometime, our listening figures have shot up so a great big thank you to everyone who listens.

"While I’m on the subject I’d also like to thank my producer (sounds very grand) Malcolm Prince who is one of the best in the business and hasn’t cracked once in the 14 years we’ve been on air.

"There’s a new regime now, I do 13 weeks on and then 13 off which is nothing to do with me as it’s a management decision."

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