I worked at an all inclusive hotel and we'd get in deep trouble for doing these basic things | The Sun

A FORMER all-inclusive resort worker has revealed the hard truth about a job some may see as a dream career.

Kimberley Chan was an activities and entertainment co-ordinator at a top resort in Mexico and after leaving the job, she wanted to lift the lid on what it was really like.

Although she insists some parts of the job were enjoyable, there were strict rules that meant she often got in trouble for very insignificant reasons.

One example is not smiling enough, which she wrote about in an article for Matador Network.

She explained that resort workers, particularly those hired to entertain, weren't allowed to be anything other than "excellent" when asked by guests how they were doing.

She said: "We had to always be perky and upbeat, even if we didn’t sleep the night before, even if we had a headache, or even if we broke up with someone that morning."

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With guests paying thousands for their stays, resorts said they didn't want their holidays to be "ruined" by mopey staff members.

Staying so upbeat can be difficult, especially with very few chances to rest from relentless partying.

Resort workers are expected to go for nights out with guests and encourage them to drink and dance most nights, even if they want just have a snooze after a 15-hour day shift.

Days off are limited too. Though resort staff usually get a day off every week, they also have to cover shifts if people are sick or there are bigger groups of tourists than expected.

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Kim said: "If there are more tourists or work than usual, the days off get cancelled. When I once worked two weeks non-stop, some people told me I was lucky that it was only two weeks."

Staying constantly happy when you're so tired is one thing, but doing it on an empty stomach makes it even worse.

However, resort staff often have to skip lunch in order to prepare for evening duties.

The policy at the resort where Kim worked was that guests always came before food, even during lunch breaks when they had to continue to entertain visitors.

She was one of the fortunate staff members who had access to the hotel lunch buffet as well.

Other resort workers weren't quite so fortunate.

She said: "Entertainment staff were the only employees who were allowed to eat in the buffet. Other employees had to eat in the staff kitchen, where only one or two very basic (and sometimes gross) meals were available."

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Meanwhile this resort worker revealed the weirdest things rich guests have done at her hotel.

And this former hotel worker explained why guests shouldn't ever sleep under the duvets.

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