Passenger fuming after paying for legroom seats only for airline to give them to mum and baby – but people are divided | The Sun

A PASSENGER has sparked debate online after they were forced to change seats on a plane, despite paying for the extra legroom.

The person revealed that the pair had forked out for bulkhead seats at the front of the cabin so they could stretch their legs out during the 10-hour flight.

However, a few days before they were due to fly, they received an email explaining that they would now be sat a few rows behind instead.

The airline told them a mother and child "needed" the seats and that they would instead have to move.

The passenger took to Reddit to air their frustrations.

They wrote: "So me and my partner are going to New York in a few days and we booked bulkhead seats with extra leg room because we wanted to be more comfortable.

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"Then three days before our trip, we get an email that says your seats have been changed to a few rows back.

"We got downgraded but we paid extra for those seats?"

They then spent two hours trying to get in touch with the airline who said they had to give them to a mum and a baby instead.

They continued: "I tried very calmly explaining how we booked those months ago and how we paid extra for them and how they can't just downgrade our seats to give to someone else.

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"And after hearing that, the airline just said so sorry but the mom needs easy access to the bathrooms and she needs to put her baby bed in front and all that."

Eventually the passenger was able to persuade the airline that they should be given seats with better legroom, given that they had paid for them.

They finished by saying: "After a lot of back and forth we got upgraded seats not first class but good seats with 'the same legroom' as a bulkhead seat.

"I don't know, I just got so p***** […] why did they act like I was the crazy one for not wanting to give up our seats we paid for to a 'helpless mother' who needs it?"

Plenty of people were on the passenger's side, saying they should have been able to keep their seats because they had paid for the extra legroom.

One wrote: "So you basically had to spend 2+ hours of your life arguing with someone to get what you paid for."

Another said: "This stuff boils my p***. Why does everything have to be child-centric?"

Others however were more sympathetic to the parent's needs and explained that the passenger should maybe have expected it.

One said: "Very frequent flyer here, bulkhead seats on planes are the only seats that can take bassinets for babies, that's why you were bumped."

Another explained that the mother might have had no choice but to take her child on the plane. They said: "I get that she might have to bring the kid on the plane. She simply might not have any other option, as annoying as it might be for others on the plane."

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A flight attendant revealed why the bulkhead seats always come with the risk of sitting next to kids.

Another explained what to do if children are kicking your seat during a flight.

    Source: Read Full Article

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