Passenger slammed by mum for watching violent film during flight – but people are divided | The Sun

A MAN was slammed by a mum for making her child cry when he watched a violent film during a flight – but people have been left divided.

The 19-year-old passenger said he had downloaded a number of films onto his phone, including Deadpool, an R-rated film.

However, without realising, a young kid – who he said wasn't older than six -was watching him from behind and the violent scenes made him cry.

He explained on Reddit: "I was watching it on my phone with headphones in, when the part where Deadpool gets ripped in half happens, and I can hear a (muffled) scream behind me.

"I take out my headphones and there's a little kid behind me, crying.

"He had positioned himself in a way that he could watch my screen and had watched him get torn.

"His mom got mad at me and yelled that I shouldn't be watching that kind of thing, especially in front of children."

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The passenger said he "wasn't aware" anyone was watching his phone, and that the kid was leaning through the seats without him realising.

He asked if he was in the wrong, with some people saying that he should have been more careful in what he was watching.

One person said: "I think it’s inconsiderate to watch that type of movie (any type of graphic violence or sex – I don’t think drug use or anything like that matters so much) on a plane if someone is right next to you.

"Sometimes even if you don’t want to, something on your neighbour’s screen catches your eye and it could be upsetting. I think that one is just common courtesy."

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However, most people were on his side, saying it was the mother's fault for not stopping her child from watching over his shoulder.

One wrote: "This is ridiculous. Parents need to monitor their kids. You cannot control what a nosy kid is looking at through a small space through a seat to spy.

A second agreed: "His parents should have been monitoring him. It's not your job to act as parental supervision for random kids. Hopefully he'll have learned his lesson."

Back in 2020, a passenger was caught watching what appeared to be an X-rated show on his phone during a flight.

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